A former top figure in the Shaanxi Province health system has recently been placed under investigation by the province’s discipline and supervisory bodies.
According to public records, Ms. Liu, aged 61, a native of Shaanxi with a post-graduate education, has been working in the province for many years and was formerly the director of the Shaanxi Provincial Population and Family Planning Commission.
Starting in October 2018, Ms. Liu became the director of the Shaanxi Provincial Health Commission, retired from frontline duties in March 2023, and was subsequently appointed as a councilor to the Shaanxi provincial government.
The health commission directly oversees organ transplantations in related hospitals. Shaanxi Province is a major organ transplant hub—at least 139 medical personnel from 19 hospitals in the province are suspected of forced organ harvesting, according to the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG).
Under the CCP bureaucratic system, the National Health Commission certifies the qualifications for practicing organ transplants in medical institutions; provincial health commissions certify the qualifications of organ transplant surgeons, while county-level and above health commissions are responsible for the “supervision and management of organ donation and transplantation.”
According to a report from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi‘an Jiaotong University (First Hospital), the 2024 Shaanxi Organ Donation and Transplantation Quality Control Center Work Meeting was held on June 11 in the Shaanxi capital city of Xi’an and attended by over 40 people. The meeting invited experts from China’s kidney, heart, lung, and liver transplant quality control centers to report on transplant data.
According to the report, in 2023, the number of organ transplants in Shaanxi Province included 557 kidneys, 403 performed by the First Hospital, ranking fourth in China; 54 hearts, 48 performed by the First Hospital, ranking fifth; 31 lungs, 30 performed by the First Hospital, ranking eighth; and 189 livers, 168 performed by the First Hospital, ranking 11th.
According to the hospital, it had successfully performed more than 4,000 kidney transplants by 2015, more than 5,000 by 2019, and more than 6,500 by 2022.
“According to China’s official numbers, about 50 percent of all registered donors signed up in 7 days alone... That is inconceivable and unprecedented,” Dr. Trey said.
Forced Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Adherents
On June 15, the WOIPFG updated a report titled “Direct Evidence of the CCP’s State Genocide Crime by Harvesting Organs From Living Falun Gong Practitioners.”The report stated it confirmed that starting from late 1999, under the order of CCP leader Jiang Zemin, the regime orchestrated a nationwide genocide of Falun Gong practitioners through forced organ harvesting, which has continued for 25 years and is ongoing.
Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, consists of moral teachings and meditative exercises and has been heavily suppressed since 1999. Adherents are subject to arbitrary detention, forced labor, and torture. Thousands have died in custody, according to the Falun Dafa Information Center.
“Before 1999, China had a total of only 135 liver transplants over more than 20 years, averaging only five to six per year. From 1991 to 1998, there were a total of 78 liver transplants, averaging 9.7 per year,” it reads.
“After the comprehensive persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP started in 1999, until 2006, there were 14,085 liver transplant surgeries in 8 years, averaging over 1,900 per year. ... The explosive growth of organ transplants coincided with the CCP’s systematic genocide against Falun Gong practitioners.”

As of October 2023, the WOIPFG has published a total of 866 audio files and more than 4,000 data sources it says are evidence of the CCP’s forced organ harvesting. Among them, 66 audio files directly prove the forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners, the group states.
The list disclosed 139 medical personnel from 19 hospitals in the Province. The First Hospital ranked first on this list.
“Although there is no evidence directly linking Ms. Liu to forced organ harvesting, as the director of the provincial health committee and directly responsible for the specific arrangements for organ transplantation in hospitals, she was at least indirectly responsible for the crime,” independent writer Zhuge Mingyang told The Epoch Times.
China Missing Persons
An article published by the China Missing Persons Search Network in November 2020 stated, “China has 8 million missing persons every year.”Zhao Lanjian, a media professional who fled China, said that organ trafficking contributes to the massive disappearance of people in China.
“The lure of commercial interests and the drive for power have caused a large number of lives to disappear in a country with the world’s most extensive electronic surveillance,” he told The Epoch Times on June 18.
“The CCP’s national policy of industrializing organ transplantation is a cruel act that disregards human rights and the right to life.”