Expert Rebuttal to CCP Advisor’s Claim That Conquering Taiwan Will Benefit CCP

Expert Rebuttal to CCP Advisor’s Claim That Conquering Taiwan Will Benefit CCP
Thunder Tiger Aerobatics Team fly over the President's Office during the National Day celebrations in Taipei, Taiwan on Oct. 10, 2021. Chiang Ying-ying/AP Photo

A Chinese professor of international studies recently said that by taking back Taiwan, the Chinese regime could benefit on the economic, political, territorial, and military front. A Taiwan military expert provided a rebuttal to the claim.

Chinese Professor Jin Canrong, known for his fiery anti-U.S. stance, posted a speech titled “ten benefits if China conquers Taiwan” on his Youtube channel on Sept. 23. It is unclear when and where this speech took place. Jin said that once the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) “solves the Taiwan issue,” it could convert Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), the world’s largest chip maker, into a state-owned enterprise, that the CCP could save a fortune by no longer paying other countries to obey the One-China policy, that the CCP’s military would become world’s number one powerhouse, etc.

Dubbed “teacher of the state” by Chinese netizens, Jin is an adviser to several CCP organizations, although it’s unclear how close Jin is to Xi Jinping, the head of the CCP.

Li Zhengxiu, a military expert at Taiwan’s National Policy Research Foundation, told The Epoch Times that if the CCP leadership takes Jin’s advice, which is completely divorced from reality, it will lead to a gross error in judgment and deepened conflict across the Taiwan Strait.

Difficult to Turn TSMC into State-owned Enterprise

Located in Taiwan, TSMC is the largest semiconductor foundry in the world, controlling over 50 percent of the global market share, while the largest foundry in mainland China, the state-owned Shanghai-based SMIC has about 5 percent of the global market share.

Jin said the CCP should “immediately turn TSMC into state-owned after the regime conquers Taiwan. This is a very practical benefit.”

“But don’t forget that the majority of TSMC is owned by foreign companies,” said Li. “Taiwan’s government and local investors own a very small percentage of TSMC. Even if the CCP takes control of Taiwan, will the foreign investors hand over TSMC with all the proprietary technology to the CCP?”

Moreover, Li predicts that TSMC’s facilities could be badly damaged if the CCP invades. “It will be very difficult to restore TSMC.”

Respect Taiwan’s Independence for a Unified China

The CCP advisor considers the Taiwan issue, the center of the one-China policy, the biggest weakness of the regime’s diplomacy. “Not only the U.S. keeps pushing our button about Taiwan, but other countries also bully us.”

Jin revealed that the CCP spends more than $4.6 billion each year to maintain the consensus on the one-China policy internationally.

Jin described how some African countries demand money from the CCP over the one-China policy. “Many heads of state of African countries go to Beijing for nothing but to have a good meal; they meet with Xi Jinping only to say ‘we resolutely support the one-China policy.’ Then they ask for money.”

Li thinks that the money oftentimes went to the pockets of the individual politicians. “But the CCP would do anything to diminish Taiwan in the international community, so they keep spending money on it.”

“If the CCP truly wants a unified China, then it should first respect Taiwan in the international community, show the people in Taiwan that the CCP is sincere, then we could work together,” said Li. “However, CCP’s behavior is pushing Taiwan further and further away.”

Taiwan is Not Anti-China; It is Anti-CCP

“China will finally gain political stability after taking over Taiwan, because Taiwan is the base and financial source of anti-China forces, including HK, Xinjiang, and Tibet independence,” said the CCP advisor.

“Once we’ve conquered Taiwan, we should build up our military encampment on the east side of the island,” Jin said. “This way, we can face directly the Pacific Ocean, and show our military might to Japan and the United States.”

Taiwan’s military expert, Li considers this idea ridiculous. “Taiwan is not anti-China, but anti-CCP,” Li said, “Taiwan and the western countries share the same value system, which is the opposite of that of the CCP. Taiwan is not an anti-China base, but the world is against CCP’s dictatorship in China.”

Conquering Taiwan Won’t Prove Communist Theory

The CCP advisor said that resolving the Taiwan issue will thoroughly establish Xi Jinping’s new socialism with Chinese characteristics theory.

“Xi always considers his democratic centralism superior to the western democracy. To the CCP, Taiwan’s returning to the mainland signifies the success of Xi’s democratic centralism,” Li said.

“Democracy is multifaceted. It builds a diverse society in which people have the freedom to decide how they want to live their lives. But in mainland China, 1.4 billion people’s decision-making is centralized to the seven members at the top of the CCP,” he said.

Li concluded that Jin’s advice can only incite stronger nationalist sentiment among some people in the mainland.

Kelly Song
Kelly Song
Kelly Song covers China-related matters and health issues for The Epoch Times. She is based in the United States. Have a tip? [email protected]
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