A Chinese university student has revealed how she sold 29 of her eggs to illegal fertility agencies to repay a US$9,000 debt.
“The first time I felt like I was dying. The second time was alright,” said the student.
The student said these agencies place a strong emphasis on whether the women are healthy, their height, appearance, and academic performance.
“The first time I think 24 of them [the eggs] matured, and they removed 17. The second time in Wuhan not as many matured—I think it was 15. In the end they removed 12.”
A woman naturally produces one egg each month. Taking fertility drugs carries a wide range of health complications including increased risk of miscarriage, nausea and unstable moods.
According to the student, these procedures were not performed in hospitals; illegal agencies have their own private operating theaters and offices. In addition, some girls traveled to Thailand to undergo these procedures, where anesthesia is provided.

“We aren’t allowed to bring mobile phones into the facility. We can’t bring anything. We have to undergo checkups every day,” she said.
It is illegal in China for medical practitioners to perform surrogacy procedures, and for women to sell their eggs.
The staff member pointed out that the open campus makes it easy for advertisers to enter and place their materials in the school grounds.