The communist regime’s nuclear arsenal should include “at least 100 DF-41 strategic missiles,” said Hu Xijin, who is known for his hawkish stance on foreign relations.
“Don’t think that nuclear warheads are useless during peacetime. We are using every one of them, silently, to shape the attitudes of American elites toward us,” he said on Weibo.

Official Position?
The Global Times is a controversial newspaper published by the People’s Daily, the Communist Party’s main mouthpiece. It often focuses on international issues, and regularly stirs up nationalist sentiment with inflammatory editorials.At a news briefing on Friday, China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying refused to confirm if Hu’s remarks reflected the official line.
But Hu’s latest comments have been given prominent coverage in Chinese state media.
“China needs to prepare for a long-term challenge,” said the English-language editorial, adding that “we should strengthen and enhance our core scientific technology and military strategic power.”
“Although the U.S. advantage in terms of conventional military strength in China’s offshore waters is dwindling, its superiority in nuclear weapons remains overwhelming, which is the biggest pillar that bolsters U.S. military arrogance toward China,” it said.
“Therefore, it’s an urgent task for China to expand its nuclear arsenal and strengthen its strategic strike capacities,” concluded the editorial, which was widely re-posted on other mainland Chinese news portals.
Nuclear Threats
Hu’s aggressive remarks came after U.S. President Donald Trump called for “effective arms control” that includes China and Russia, during a phone call on Thursday with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.Trump has repeatedly argued for China to join the United States and Russia in an arms control accord to replace the 2010 New START treaty between Washington and Moscow that will expire in February 2021.

“As Russia and the U.S. have been reducing their numbers (at least Washington has, we can never be sure of Moscow’s cheating either), China has been building up its arsenal, with the apparent goal of meeting or surpassing their nuclear competitors,” Bosco wrote in an email to The Epoch Times.
The Chinese regime has repeatedly rejected Trump’s arms control proposal, arguing that its nuclear force is “defensive” and “poses no threat.”
But senior PLA officers have previously issued threats that Beijing may launch nuclear attacks on the United States.
He added that the Chinese “will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all of the cities east of Xi’an. Of course the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds … of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese.”
These were not just empty threats, according to Rick Fisher.
“The CCP’s lying and lack of remorse for the China Virus [commonly known as novel coronavirus] should remind us that the CCP...may have little regard for using nuclear or biological weapons on its enemies,” Fisher told The Epoch Times.
“Right now, the main enemies of the CCP are the nations now uniting to deny the CCP what it wants most: global hegemony, control of global prosperity and sovereignty,” he said.