Following the U.S. State Department’s offer of a $10 million reward for information on foreign election interference, Xiong Yan, who is currently running for Congress in the 10th District of New York, told The Epoch Times that the Chinese communist regime has continued to interfere with his campaign due to his dissident background.
In 1989 he had been a student leader on Tiananmen Square before the movement was violently crushed by the Chinese regime.
In September 2021, Lin hired a private investigator (PI) in New York “to disrupt the campaign of a Brooklyn resident currently running for U.S. Congress (the Victim), including by physically attacking the Victim.”
In December 2021, Lin allegedly left a voicemail for the PI where he said, “in the end, violence would be fine too. ... Beat him until he cannot run for election. ... Car accident, [he] will be completely wrecked, right?”
On July 13, Rev. Xiong Yan, a retired major who served in the U.S. Army for 27 years, revealed to The Epoch Times that he was the unnamed congressional candidate that was targeted by the Chinese regime.
He said that fortunately the U.S. government prevented the attacks.

Yan said that after the indictment of the Department of Justice was released, the Chinese regime did not stop interfering with his campaign. His campaign office opened on March 19 with a large dinner party originally scheduled. “The Chinese consulate contacted the leaders of several Chinese American groups and told them not to support me: do not donate money or vote for me,” he said.
“The Fujianese and Cantonese people who were previously confirmed to attend the dinner party told me that the Chinse consulate called a meeting with them before it, saying that they could not support Xiong Yan and could not let him be elected—‘You guys want to go to China to do business, or support him in the election?’ They are too scared to come,” he said.
CCP’s Long Arm
As for why the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) interfered with his running for congress, Yan said that it was obvious because he was a leader of the Tiananmen Square democratic movement in 1989 (which was violently suppressed on June 4, 1989, also known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre).Although he did not highlight this background, and instead downplayed it in order to draw support from as wide a range of people as possible.
Despite that he is still regarded as a dissident by the CCP, and they continue to interfere with his running for office in the United States.
“The arm of the Chinese consulate is too long,” he said.

“This kind of interference and manipulation of U.S. elections is felony in the U.S. and will jeopardize the fate of most Chinese Americans,” Yan said.
He said the Chinese agents will run back to China when their term of office expires or when the situation turns bad. Or they will have diplomatic immunity.
However, the Chinese community leaders in the United States who are pro-CCP and who are brainwashed and obey the Chinese consulate will become the ultimate victims Yan said.
“When the Chinese set foot on the land of freedom and democracy in the United States, they chose freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and universal values,” Yan said. “However, many people are still affected by the CCP and [are] under its authoritarian control.
“The CCP takes advantage of the relatively free, democratic, and human rights-oriented social environment in the United States to plant a large number of their agents among the six million Chinese living in the country.”
Yan suggested that overseas Chinese “should cherish the free environment, stand on the side of universal values, cleanse out all the toxins of the CCP and be reborn as a free person.”
The National Counterintelligence and Security Center of the United States warned on July 6 that as tensions between the United States and China grow, the CCP are trying to manipulate state, local and business leaders to support Beijing-friendly policies and advance CCP geopolitical interests.