Roth told The Epoch Times that the resolution would not have been introduced were it not for the Chinese consulate’s actions.
When the senator’s staff handed him a printout of the first email, dated Feb. 26, he saw that it came from a Hotmail account and thus dismissed it as a fake.
“I threw it away and thought nothing of it,” Roth said.
But when he received a followup email on March 10, the senator asked his staff to verify the email address. After inquiries through state government sources, Roth’s staff confirmed that the message was indeed sent from the consulate. Roth was told that Chinese consulate officials routinely use private email accounts.
“I got really angry, because ... by that point, the United States started to be hit by the coronavirus ... and we’re trying to prepare, and we realized that we’ve been lied to,” Roth said. “I was more than angry. I was downright furious.”
So he sent a one-word response to the consulate: “Nuts.”
“Then I signed my name and that was it,” the senator said. The consulate official replied back expressing shock to Roth’s email, but he didn’t respond.
A few days later, Roth decided to take further action. He said he told his staff, “We are introducing a resolution on China, and we’re going to pass it; it’s just not going to be the one China wants.”
Emphasis Added
Roth said the resolution “lays out point by point” how the CCP has been “lying to the world” in relation to the outbreak.“The only window of opportunity they gave the world was an opportunity for this virus to spread around the world and turn into a pandemic,” Roth said.
The resolution also acknowledges that the Wisconsin senate “stands in solidarity with the Chinese people,” a reflection of the senator’s efforts to distinguish between the Chinese people and the CCP.
Oppressive Regime
The resolution also highlights the communist regime’s widespread human rights abuses, including its treatment of Tibetans, its internment of Uyghur Muslims, and forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience, including Falun Gong practitioners.“When you look at the forced abortions and sterilizations, and organ harvesting, you realize that this Communist Party of China is just a terribly oppressive and brutal regime,” he said.
It was for this reason that Roth said Wisconsin should not lend legitimacy to the CCP by passing the resolution proposed by the Chinese consulate, which the regime would in turn use for its domestic propaganda efforts.
“It’s so imperative that we in Wisconsin don’t do that and that governments around the world don’t do that,” the senator said. “Because we’re giving legitimacy to a government that has the worst human rights violations of any modern state that I’m aware of.”
In Wisconsin, like the vast majority of U.S. states, people have been directed to stay at home in a nationwide bid to contain the outbreak.
Roth said he wants the people of Wisconsin to know that “they’re sheltering at home right now, and their kids can’t attend school right now, and their spouse or relative or friend may have lost their job because the Communist Party of China decided to lie to the world.”
But he’s also hopeful that this crisis presents an opportunity for the Chinese people, once they discover the truth that the CCP lied to them.
“This could be, I hope, the catalyst to bring down the Communist Party of China and allow those people to rise again.”