Beijing Pushes for Door-to-Door COVID-19 Vaccinations, Citizens Worry

Beijing Pushes for Door-to-Door COVID-19 Vaccinations, Citizens Worry
People are waiting to receive COVID-19 vaccines at a temporary vaccination center in Beijing, China on Jan. 3, 2021. (STR/CNS/AFP via Getty Images)

Chinese authorities recently launched a door-to-door COVID-19 vaccination program in Chaoyang District, in the capital city of Beijing. Some residents shared their concerns with The Epoch Times over their distrust of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its propaganda about COVID-19 vaccines and the pandemic.

Mainland Chinese media reported on March 10 that Beijing’s Chaoyang District began a new door-to-door vaccination program in residential communities and villages. The program is also carried out in five types of places such as government offices, the Central Business District (CBD), industrial parks, business offices, and school campuses.

Chaoyang is where international companies, foreign embassies, many central Chinese government agencies, and high-end residential communities are located. CCP leader Xi Jinping visited the district to inspect the COVID-19 epidemic situation last year.
A resident surnamed Zhao told The Epoch Times that her community just posted the door-to-door vaccination notice, saying it was voluntary.

“We will not take the vaccine regardless of whether it is free or not. Because if we get vaccinated, we are worried that our bodies will have abnormal reactions, so we refuse to get inoculated,” she said.

Zhao added, “The notice says that you can’t drink alcohol or take a shower after the vaccination. I think if you can’t take a shower, then you can easily get infected [from COVID-19]. There are many restrictions after getting this vaccine … so I think we really shouldn’t get vaccinated.”

She said that her friends and neighbors did not get vaccinated after the notice was released.

She emphasized, “I believe no one wants to get this vaccine. If their brains are working properly, then they wouldn’t get this vaccine.”

A student from Peking University surnamed Wang told the publication that he doesn’t trust the Chinese regime.

“I think the CCP has ulterior motives behind it. In fact, it shows that this vaccine has so many restrictions and has low efficacy. Moreover, the Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccines have opaque reports about adverse reactions and they have been launched hastily. Many Chinese people are resisting being vaccinated, which is why they [CCP] are pushing something like the door-to-door vaccination that the authorities have not done before,” Wang said.

He emphasized, “In fact, even if it is free, I still won’t get vaccinated. After all, there are so many restrictions and adverse reactions with this vaccine and even the officials have acknowledged the problems. Given the previous safety issues of the Chinese vaccines, I don’t dare to get inoculated.”

In recent years, a series of vaccine scandals in China have been widely reported by the media worldwide.
In 2019, a Chinese hospital was found to have vaccinated people against the human papillomavirus (HPV) without obtaining a proper license.
In 2018, Chinese pharmaceutical company Changsheng Bio-technology was found to have shipped more than 250,000 doses of a faulty DTaP vaccine (a combination vaccine for diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus), affecting more than 200,000 children.

A Beijing-based lawyer surnamed Wu shared his views with the publication.

“People I know are definitely not willing to get vaccinated. People I know and those who have communicated with me about vaccines are unwilling to get inoculated in the near future, even if they are free,” Wu said.

“Moreover, no one knows what side effects the vaccine has. Especially for ordinary people, for people who don’t have medical insurance like me, I definitely won’t get it. What if there is a problem? What should I do? None of the people I know are willing to get vaccinated,” he said.

Mr. Wu added that the quality of medical care in mainland China is not as good as the healthcare of the United States and developed countries in Europe. Another important aspect is that the government has covered up the COVID-19 epidemic when it first broke out in Wuhan in late 2019, which makes it difficult to trust the authorities, he said.

“The authorities have always treated the lives of Chinese people as a trifling matter, and it has always been the case. You can’t count on the government. The CCP officials’ top concern is to protect their official positions. Everything they do is to protect themselves,” Wu said.

Luo Ya and Zhang Yujie contributed to the report.
Alex Wu is a U.S.-based writer for The Epoch Times focusing on Chinese society, Chinese culture, human rights, and international relations.
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