At Least 26 High-Ranking Generals of PLA Have Died of Illness Since July

At Least 26 High-Ranking Generals of PLA Have Died of Illness Since July
People wait for funeral service for their deceased relatives at Baoxing Funeral Parlor in Shanghai, China, on Jan. 4, 2023. (Wang Gang/VCG via Getty Images)

In less than five months in the second half of 2023, at least 26 senior People’s Liberation Army generals, all members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), have died of illness.

The list is incomplete as it only includes those deaths that have been made public.

CCP General Yu Zhenwu, former commander of the Air Force, born in 1931, died in Beijing on Sept. 29, 2023, due to illness.

He was the test pilot for the first flight of the CCP’s first jet airplane, the Tutorial-1. He was awarded the title of General of the Air Force in 1996. Before his retirement, he served as commander of the Guangzhou Military Region Air Force.

CCP Major General and former head of the Artillery Department of the General Staff Wen Ji, born in 1918, died on Nov. 8, 2023, in Beijing due to illness.

Wang Tongzhuo, Lieutenant General, died on Nov. 12, 2023, in Guangzhou after a long illness. Mr. Wang had served as director of the Political Department of the Nanjing Military Region, deputy political commissar and Party head of the Discipline Inspection Committee of the Nanjing Military Region, and deputy political commissar and Party head of the Discipline Inspection Committee of the Guangzhou Military Region.

Vice Admiral of the Navy Shen Binyi died of illness on July 5, 2023, in Beijing.

Academician in National Defense Research

Academician of the Academy of Engineering, Ling Yongshun, a professor at the National University of Defense Technology, died in Beijing on July 2, 2023, after a long illness.

According to the official report, Mr. Ling was a pioneer in the CCP’s electronic interference technology field. His expertise included radar stealth, infrared stealth, electronic camouflage and radar infrared composite jamming technology, and he had developed full-band night vision laser jamming bombs, portable radar infrared imaging jamming bombs, millimeter wave infrared jamming bombs, and other anti-night vision, counter precision-guided weapons. He had taught and conducted research at the School of Military Engineering and the School of Armored Corps Engineering.

Others on the list include Jiao Huairen, former advisor of the Political Department of the Air Force of Guangzhou Military Region; Jia Huoqi, former director of the Infrastructure and Camping Department of the General Logistics Department; Jin Qingfeng, former director of the Electronic Countermeasures Radar Department of the General Staff Department; Zheng Xiyan, former deputy director of education of the National Defense University; Li Zhiyun, former political commissar of the Academy of Command of the National Defense University; Zhang Guoxiang, former commander of the Xi'an Command Post of the Air Force; Li Zhonghua, former political commissar of the Academy of Submarine Training of the Navy; Xu Tianyu, former political commissar of the Huangjin Command Post of the Armed Police; and Zhao Juming, former political commissar of the 29th Experimental Training Base.

Also on the list were three civilian cadres in the Chinese military, Zhao Guanying, a Chinese medicine practitioner and a professor, serving as former chief physician at the General Hospital of the PLA; Zhang Baoren, former chief physician and professor of the First Affiliated Hospital of the Second Military Medical University; and Lai Yiyi, a research fellow at the 63rd Research Institute of General Staff Department.

It’s worth noting that there have been repeated delays in releasing obituaries for almost a month.

Pandemic Has a Clear Target

Since December 2022, various official sources in China reported many deaths of experts, senior CCP officials, corporate executives, and young and middle-aged police officers, some of whom have been praised as “outstanding Party members.” However, the CCP has been covering up the epidemic and the cause of their deaths.
The founder of the spiritual practice Falun Dafa, Mr. Li Hongzhi, has pointed out that the COVID-19 pandemic is mainly targeting the CCP and those who blindly follow the CCP, defend the CCP, and work for the CCP, and a large number of people have died so far, including many young people.

In March 2020, Mr. Li wrote an article titled “Stay Rational” in which he specifically pointed out that the pandemic has a clear target.

“Truth be told, pandemics only come when people’s morals and values have turned bad, and they have come to have a massive amount of karma.

“A pandemic like the current Chinese communist virus (or ‘Wuhan virus’) comes with a purpose behind it, and it has targets. It is here to weed out members of the Party and those who have sided with it,” Mr. Li said.

In his article, Mr. Li advised: “What people should do, instead, is to repent to the divine with all due sincerity, admit to their faults, and pray for a chance to change their ways.”

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