Cheesecake Factory Staff Attack Black Man for Wearing a Trump Hat

Ivan Pentchoukov
Employees at a Florida Cheesecake Factory restaurant surrounded a black Trump supporter who was celebrating Mother’s Day with his girlfriend’s family on Mother’s Day, threatening and attacking him verbally because he wore a Make America Great Again hat, The Daily Wire reported, citing multiple witnesses as well as photos and videos taken at the scene.

Eugenior Joseph, 22, sat down to dine at a Cheesecake Factory inside Dadeland Mall on Sunday. According to Joseph and multiple witnesses, a female employee approached him pointing at the Trump hat and signaling for other employees to come over.

“Her finger was literally on top of his head, we were all looking at her like ‘what is happening?’” a witness told The Daily Wire. “She was pointing at him, calling her other coworkers, telling them to look at this guy wearing a Make America Great Again hat.”

Around a dozen employees then crowded around Joseph’s table with some referring to him using the n-word and others threatening to punch him in the face.

“So then all the employees started standing there, saying things out loud, like, ‘I’m going to knock his head in so hard his hat’s going to come off,” the witness added.

One of the employees clenched his fists as though he was ready to fight.

“He got behind me and another coworker came by and they were staring at each other and he fist bumped him and then he started looking at me, balling his fists, smacking his fists, trying to scare me,” Joseph told The Daily Wire.

The Cheesecake factory issued a statement to The Daily Wire indicating that the company is investigating the incident.

“No guest should ever feel unwelcomed in one of our restaurants and we are taking this matter very seriously,” the company said in a statement. “Upon learning of this incident, we immediately apologized to the guests in person. We are conducting an investigation and will take the appropriate corrective action.”

However, according to The Daily Wire, the company did not reach out to apologize to Joseph.

The situation was so tense and traumatizing that an elderly woman had to take medication to calm herself down, according to a witness. A small girl sitting at a table was seen crying in a video of the incident reviewed by The Daily Wire.

When Joseph and his girlfriend got up to go to the bathroom, the staff continued to mock him.

“I got up and went to the restroom, my girlfriend followed me, and as we were walking back, a group of [the employees] came out from the back and they just started clapping and yelling, and just screaming things at me,” Joseph said.

When Joseph exited the restaurant with his girlfriend and her family, a manager follow them outside to let them know that some of the employees had been sent home.

Police officers were also outside the restaurant though it is unclear who called them. The officers took down a report but did not file any charges.

Joseph said that he is new to politics and wore the Make America Great Again hat because he believes Trump “is a really good president.” He was disappointed that a black man can’t support the president without being attacked.

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Ivan Pentchoukov
Ivan Pentchoukov
Ivan is the national editor of The Epoch Times. He has reported for The Epoch Times on a variety of topics since 2011.