Chairman Uplifted by Shen Yun’s Live Orchestra

Chairman Uplifted by Shen Yun’s Live Orchestra
Richard DeLuna and his wife, Matilde, enjoyed Shen Yun together at the San Francisco War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco, Calif., on Jan. 6, 2018. Qian Zhang/The Epoch Times

“I love it. I think it’s very colorful and very exciting and fast-moving.”

“Extremely elegant, fast-moving, and wonderful, wonderful live music.”

“[The music] sounds to me very traditional Chinese, and I think it’s very uplifting. It’s happy all the time. ... I love the live orchestra.”

“I love the backdrop, with what they’re doing with the screen that we couldn’t do years ago. ... This is so realistic. It’s beautiful.”

“[What stood out for me was] the costumes, and I think the gentleness, especially of the women dancers. They’re so gentle the way they move.”

“I think the spiritual part, no matter what religion you are, is very, very important.”

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