The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Friday recommended that Americans should start to wear cloth face coverings in public settings.
The agency urged people to use the cloth face coverings in places where social distancing measures are challenging to maintain, including grocery stores and pharmacies, especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.
However, the CDC emphasized people should still follow the 6-feet rule of social distancing.
The cloth face coverings can be household items or products made from home with everyday materials.
However, the CDC suggested that only health care workers should use surgical masks or N95 respirators.
“Those are critical supplies that must continue to be reserved for health care workers and other medical first responders,” CDC stated.
“The CDC is announcing additional steps Americans can take to defend against the transmission of the virus,” he said. “In light of these studies, the CDC is advising the use of non-medical cloth face coverings as an additional voluntary public health measure.”
Trump said that transmission from individuals without symptoms is playing a more significant role in the spread of the virus than previously understood based on recent studies.
The CDC defined presymptomatic transmission as “the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from an infected person (source patient) to a secondary patient before the source patient developed symptoms.”
Homemade Masks
The Pennsylvania Department of Health posted guidance (pdf) on “homemade masks” on its website.“Homemade masks made out of fabric and cloth are not considered” personal protective equipment, according to the website.

But homemade masks such as a scarf or bandana can limit the spread of droplets containing the CCP virus.
“When a homemade mask can’t be acquired, a scarf or bandana can be utilized. By implementing community use of these homemade fabric or cloth masks, everyone will have a higher degree of protection from this virus,” the department said.
Wearing such a mask, the department said, might be helpful while shopping at essential businesses, visiting a doctor or hospital, using public transportation, interacting with people at businesses, or when feeling sick.
“Because homemade masks protect everyone else from the droplets created by the wearer, it is essential that as many people as possible wear these masks when leaving their homes.
“This helps prevent those who may be infectious but are only mildly symptomatic or not symptomatic from spreading the virus to others in the community. Everyone should remember the phrase ’my mask protects you, your mask protects me,'” it said.