A 21-year-old Chinese dissident, living in the Netherlands, says he has been constantly harassed in recent months by what he believes are Chinese agents and individuals hired by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Wang Jingyu, from Chongqing, China, is living in exile. He expressed his support to Hong Kong protesters on social media in 2019 and had to flee China to avoid the regime’s persecution. In 2021, he was wanted for questioning the CCP’s official number of Chinese soldier deaths during the conflict with Indian military at the border between the two countries. He was detained by United Arab Emirates (UAE) police in Dubai when he was changing flights to get to the United States and faced the threat of the UAE sending him back to China.
With the intervention of the U.S. government and attention from international organizations and international media, he was released and sent back to Turkey. The Turkish government confiscated his passport citing that he hadn’t applied for reentry in advance.

Fake Bomb Threats
Wang told The Epoch Times on Oct. 8 that he has been followed, threatened, and had his photo taken by Chinese individuals in recent months. Moreover, someone used his name, phone number, and passport number to make bomb threats to hotels in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Canada, and other countries, and demanding money.He received a call from a Belgian police station in Brussels on Oct.7, “The police said that someone said that ‘you had put bombs in seven or eight hotels in three countries.’ He said that I had to go to the police station in the Netherlands immediately. ‘If you don’t go, you will be in great trouble.’ I was horrified when I heard this.”
He and his girlfriend were locked in a room for an hour in a Dutch police station, where the police also took their phones and watches.
Later, a senior officer approached the couple. “The detective has a very friendly attitude towards us, because he read our previous records and knew that it is the CCP who’s doing this to us,” Wang said.
He returned their phones and watches, told them to leave, and said that there was no guarantee what would happen next.
“He said that because of the very serious nature of the bomb threat and involving many countries, he could only say that he would not arrest me now, but if I went to other countries, he said that I might be arrested. If another country applies for a European arrest warrant, then the Dutch police will arrest us, but he said that at least in the Netherlands, the whole Dutch police know about me,” Wang said.
Continuous Harassment and Threats
Wang said that the CCP’s harassment of him in the Netherlands started on June 9, when a group of people went to his residence to threaten him, and one of them had a knife. He immediately called the police, and the man with the knife fled and it turns out, was wanted by the police. The knife-wielding man went to Germany and then to Luxembourg on the next day. He continued to contact Wang and make threats and provoke the Dutch police by recording a video saying that he would come to the Netherlands to cut Wang.The Dutch police believed Wang and his girlfriend were in danger and sent them to a hotel for protection.
On Sept. 10, someone sent an e-mail to the Dutch royal gendarmerie, saying that there was a bomb in Wang’s home and that Wang hated the democratic system and wanted to go to The Hague court to kill people. The Dutch police dispatched seven police cars, special police, and helicopters to search Wang’s residence.
Wang said: “The police said that when they receive such a report, whether it is true or not, they dispatch a large number of police officers to the scene. From then on, the CCP went crazy. Either they sent people to stalk, harass, and verbally abuse me, or they made a false police report. The police came to my home at midnight after they received the false reports. It’s really annoying, and has happened 10 times.”

On Oct. 1, Wang Jingyu went to the Chinesee embassy in the Netherlands to protest what he was experiencing. On the way there, a man wearing a black T-shirt with the words “CCP military” on the front and the CCP’s five-star flag on his sleeve, intercepted him and began insulting him.
“After I arrived at the embassy, a person in the embassy called the police and reported that I was making a false case as I stood there. He said I was a Uyghur terrorist,” Wang said.
Wang said the CCP’s harassment has seriously affected his life. “It makes me on the verge of a mental breakdown, as the police could rush over any time, for no reason, making me look like a terrorist.”
He also revealed that Jordan (E.Y. Jordan, Police number HGL05791), a senior officer of the Dutch National Police headquartered in The Hague, recently advised him to enter prison for his safety, because prison is the only place the CCP’s agents cannot freely enter. Wang did not comply with the suggestion.
Wang recorded the Dutch police officer Jordan while he was giving the advice.
The Epoch Times called the Dutch police headquarters in The Hague, the Netherlands. The police said that they would not accept telephone interviews, and the press needs to go to the police station to inquire in person. The Epoch Times also called the above-mentioned senior police officer, and the phone was turned off.