More than a dozen members of Parliament joined hundreds of Falun Dafa adherents at a rally and parade in Ottawa to celebrate the 31st anniversary of the spiritual practice’s introduction to the public. Falun Dafa’s moral teachings, centered on the principles of “truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance,” are much needed in a time of turmoil in the world, they said.

“Falun Dafa, it promotes kindness, it promotes kindness to each other. And that’s the message that the world needs,” Liberal MP Judy Sgro said at the rally.
Her call for peace and kindness is supported by a number of her parliamentary colleagues. Conservative MP Colin Carrie commended Falun Dafa adherents for promoting the principles of their practice, which he said “are virtues and values that all of us here in Canada hold dear to our hearts.”
Liberal MP Rachel Bendayan, parliamentary secretary to the tourism minister, associate finance minister, and member of the foreign affairs committee, said she stands with Falun Dafa adherents in the face of Beijing’s persecution of the peaceful group.
“Here in Canada we share the value of compassion, of authenticity, of freedom—freedom of religion, freedom of conscience, freedom of belief. But I know that not all countries around the world share those values,” she said at the rally.
Defending Religious Freedom
The celebration came in advance of World Falun Dafa Day on May 13, which marks the 1992 public introduction of the spiritual practice in China by its founder, Li Hongzhi.
Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is rooted in Buddhist traditions and entails meditative exercises and teachings that foster health and spiritual growth, grounded in the values of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance.

Tory MP Ted Falk said there is an “alarming trend” of religious persecution worldwide.
“I’m here today to add my voice to those calling upon the Chinese communist government to end its deplorable practice of religious persecution,” Falk said. “We’re here today to help people in Canada understand that human society flourishes when there’s freedom—real freedom, freedom that only God and not [the government] can give.”
Conservative MP Scott Reid said the courage of Falun Gong practitioners has been inspirational for many, noting that he raised the issue of China’s persecution of the practice in the House of Commons as early as 2001.
“How can we not be inspired by the courage of Falun Dafa practitioners in China facing persecution? How can we not be inspired by the ongoing good work that is done both in China and across the world by practitioners, and leading people of all backgrounds to a better life?” he said at the rally.
Reid added he is “appalled” the Chinese authorities don’t understand that the Falun Dafa movement “offers the very best in Chinese tradition and Chinese culture to the entire world.”
“Falun Dafa is good,” he said.

Tory MP Michael Cooper echoed the remarks from his parliamentary colleagues, noting that Canada, “as a nation, we will always stand up to religious persecution.”
“We admire the courage and determination of all Falun Dafa practitioners who continue to peacefully practise their faith in the face of adversity and opposition,” wrote Cooper in a speech read by his assistant at the rally.
“We are confident that the goodness of the Falun Dafa [practitioners] will prevail over the forces of oppression and persecution.”
“She was forced to give up her [Canadian] citizenship. She was sentenced to eight years in jail,” he said. “Many of you have been persecuted for a very, very long time by both the PRC and its agents all over the world. So it’s a testament to your continued strength and your fortitude, your forbearance and compassion, [that you] still stand up for what you believe in.”
Pushing Back
Conservative MP James Bezan condemned the CCP for its ongoing persecution of Falun Dafa adherents, involving torture, forced labour, sexual torture, and even live organ harvesting.“Sadly, and disgustingly, Falun Gong practitioners have been targeted, persecuted, and executed by the communist regime in Beijing,” he said. “And even more disturbing is the horrific practice of illegal harvesting of organs that are trafficked around the world by the PRC [People’s Republic of China].”

“The People’s Republic of China is using diplomatic offices, their embassy here in Ottawa, the consulates across Canada, particularly in Toronto, and [they] are trying to intimidate Canadians of Chinese ethnicity. They’re trying to intimidate them by threatening their families back in places like Hong Kong and mainland China.”
Much more needs to be done, Genuis said, as “our advocacy now needs to turn to seeing the full implementation of this bill, encouraging medical associations and provincial governments to undertake the measures, to ensure physicians are aware of this new law, and to identify and prosecute those that are involved in forced organ harvesting and trafficking [abroad].”

Genuis also pointed to recent reports of the CCP’s intimidation and interference activities in Canada.
“It’s not just about violence and persecution that’s happening somewhere else,” he said. “It’s about threats, intimidation, right here in Canada, and that’s another reason why it’s so important for us to stand together, to stand up for justice and human rights.”
Conservative MP Marilyn Gladu also attended the gathering.

“We call on the Chinese communist government to stop persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners, and I will stand and continue to cry for freedom, not just in my own land but around the world,” she said.
MPs Arnold Viersen and Marc Dalton both thanked Falun Dafa adherents for their contributions to Canada and noted they have presented petitions in the House on behalf of adherents to raise awareness of the persecution and forced organ harvesting.
World Falun Dafa Day celebrations will continue throughout the month, with a number of cities across Canada raising Falun Dafa flags or lighting up landmarks. Conservative MP Dan Muys, who represents the Ontario riding of Flamborough—Glanbrook, said a flag will be raised for the first time outside of Hamilton city hall on May 11.