Canada’s Minister of Families to Head Delegation to UN Meeting on Sustainable Development Goals

Canada’s Minister of Families to Head Delegation to UN Meeting on Sustainable Development Goals
Families Minister Karina Gould arrives at a cabinet meeting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on May 2, 2023. Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press
Matthew Horwood

Canada’s Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Karina Gould will head the Canadian delegation to the United Nation’s High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development, which will focus on the theme of accelerating the global recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

“As we cross the halfway mark of the 2030 Agenda, reporting and collaborating on our progress is more important than ever,” Ms. Gould said in a press release on July 17. “The Government of Canada will continue to work to advance the Sustainable Development Goals by working with partners at home and abroad to build a sustainable future where no one is left behind.”
During the three-day ministerial segment of the forum, to be held from July 17 to 19, participants will discuss the “effective and inclusive recovery measures to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” as well as explore “actionable policy guidance for the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs at all levels.”
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a 15-year global framework to achieve the goals of ending poverty, protecting the planet, and improving the “lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere.” The agenda was adopted by all 193 U.N. members back in 2015.
The HLPF is the main U.N. platform on Sustainable Development and plays a central role in the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda at the global level. This year’s meeting will see the HLPF conduct an in-depth review of Goals 6 on clean water and sanitation; 7 on affordable and clean energy; 9 on industry, innovation, and infrastructure; 11 on sustainable cities and communities; and 17 on partnerships for the Goals.

Gould to Focus on Canada’s Poverty Reduction

Ms. Gould will participate in several events that highlight Canada’s commitment to the 2030 Agenda and SDGs, including delivering the National Statement on gender equality and human rights, hosting a side event on social innovation for the SDGs, and presenting Canada’s Voluntary National Review.
The Voluntary National Review assesses Canada’s achievements and experiences since 2018 across all SDGs, with a focus on five priority goals that are aligned with Canada’s domestic and international priorities: no poverty, quality education, gender equality, climate action, and partnerships for the goals.

According to the press release, Ms. Gould will highlight that Canada has surpassed its interim target of a 20 percent reduction in poverty and “emphasize Canada’s support for women, girls, and gender-diverse people, including through international assistance.”