California’s Legislature Votes to Ban All COVID-19 Vaccine Dissent by Doctors

California’s Legislature Votes to Ban All COVID-19 Vaccine Dissent by Doctors
A child receives a dose of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine in Los Angeles on Nov. 5, 2021. (Frederic J. Brown/AFP via Getty Images)
James Breslo

California’s full-time Legislature has been made up of a Democratic Party super-majority for years, backed by Democrats in every statewide office. This has emboldened them to enact anything they want, with essentially no checks or balances.

The recently completed legislative session provided more stunning examples of their excesses. They voted to set wages for fast food workers, permit abortion through the ninth month and fund services for it for out-of-state residents, and implement climate change initiatives requiring a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 85 percent. State regulators also recently voted to completely ban gas-powered vehicles by 2035.

But perhaps most stunningly, the one-party state’s lawmakers voted to suppress all dissent by doctors when it comes to COVID-19. Assembly Bill 2098 effectively creates a “Ministry of Truth” that assures all information disseminated by doctors in the state conforms with the opinion of the ruling party. It directs the state’s medical board to take action against any doctor who spreads misinformation or disinformation about COVID-19. Under the legislation, it’s “unprofessional conduct” to spread such information regarding “the nature and risks of the virus; COVID-19 prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.”

The legislation is on California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk for his signature. The breadth of the proposal is astounding: It bans both misinformation and disinformation. In case you don’t know the difference, the legislation defines each. The ruling party stated that “misinformation” means “false information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.” “Disinformation” means “misinformation that the licensee deliberately disseminated with malicious intent or an intent to mislead.”

Based on these definitions, the banning of “disinformation” could potentially be understandable, since it sets a higher standard. The doctor must be shown to act with malice or intent to mislead by providing misinformation. But the law bans misinformation! So a doctor who merely provides information not in conformance with the “medical consensus” is subject to punishment! Is this not like the Catholic Church jailing Galileo for suggesting that the Earth isn’t the center of the universe? How will medicine progress if “consensus” can’t be challenged?

What must a doctor now say about the “nature and risks” of the virus to avoid punishment? The legislation’s preamble states that the “global spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or COVID-19, has claimed the lives of over 6,000,000 people worldwide, including nearly 90,000 Californians.” So clearly the ruling party expects doctors to inform patients that COVID-19 is extremely dangerous. If a patient asks for advice as to whether it’s safe to travel or attend a large event, doctors must now be extremely careful about what they say.

What must a doctor say about “prevention and treatment” for COVID-19? Is it okay to suggest building up the immune system and taking zinc as a means of prevention? Or must the doctor push the vaccine? Considering that the legislation’s preamble notes that “the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines have been confirmed through evaluation by the federal Food and Drug Administration,” it appears as though anything other than pushing the vaccine would be deemed illegal misinformation.

For treatment, we already know the ruling party opposes the use of ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine (for unknown reasons), so the law presumably bans doctors from discussing these options.

What must a doctor say about the “effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines?” The preamble states that “misinformation and disinformation about COVID-19 vaccines has weakened public confidence and placed lives at serious risk.” So the ruling party has made clear that anything other than information designed to encourage taking the vaccine is strictly prohibited.

The law would turn the state’s medical board into a Ministry of Truth, designed to prohibit any dissent from the ruling party’s position on COVID-19. Incredibly, it comes at a time when the effectiveness of the vaccine is more in doubt than ever.

President Joe Biden told Americans that if they got the vaccine, they wouldn’t get COVID-19; that turned out to be incorrect. His medical chief, Dr. Anthony Fauci, is on record saying that if you’ve had the flu, taking a flu vaccine isn’t necessary, but he now pushes the COVID-19 vaccine regardless of prior infection. The vaccine no longer consists of a single shot but ongoing “boosters.”

It has been proven ineffective against numerous variants, and its side effects are becoming more and more known with time, including thousands of deaths reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s reporting system.

Reporting side effects of medications is mandated by the Food and Drug Administration. We see them take up half of the ad time for prescription drugs. Yet, reporting them in California will now likely get a doctor punished. Big Tech has been censoring such information throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

For example, YouTube took down one of my “Hidden Truth Show” podcasts, titled “Actress Sally Kirkland Suffers Severe Side Effects from Vaccine.” All she did was report her personal experience with major vertigo following the vaccine.

We’re taught to always seek a second opinion on serious medical issues. California is seeking to ban second opinions. If Newsom signs the legislation, there will be only one approved opinion, that of the state. And this will no doubt only be the start. A law banning transgender “misinformation” won’t be far behind.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
James Breslo is an attorney and host of the “Hidden Truth Show” podcast. He is a former partner at the international law firm Seyfarth Shaw and public company president. He has appeared numerous times as a legal expert on Fox News and CNN, and serves on the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 Public Diplomacy committee.
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