California Officials Welcome Shen Yun to the Bay Area and Beyond

California Officials Welcome Shen Yun to the Bay Area and Beyond

U.S. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi and four other members of congress joined with over 40 other elected officials from the San Francisco area in welcoming Shen Yun Performing arts to San Francisco. The company whose mission is to revive China’s traditional culture will offer seven performances Jan. 5-10 at the War Memorial Opera House.

“I am pleased to welcome you back to the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California” writes Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. “Your mission to revive traditional Chinese dance and music enhances our knowledge of China’s cultural history” continues Ms. Pelosi’s letter.

“Thank you for your commitment to bring traditional Chinese arts and culture to the Bay Area. You enrich our society with all you do” writes Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (CA 18th District). Doug Lamalfa (CA 1st District), Doris Matsui (CA 6th District), Mark DeSaulnier (CA 11th District) also wrote welcome letters.

Shen Yun has also received welcome letters or proclamations from: seven California state senators; four state assemblymen; mayors, vice mayors, and councilmembers from several San Francisco Bay Area cities; and county boards of supervisors.

Shen Yun will perform three shows in Sacramento Jan. 12-13 and three shows in Fresno Jan 16-17.

Read a selection of the letters below.

CA ShenYun Recognition

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts.

Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.