California’s New Bill Could Give You The Right to Ignore Your Boss After Hours | Chris Micheli

California’s New Bill Could Give You The Right to Ignore Your Boss After Hours | Chris Micheli
California Insider Opinion

0:00 New CA Bill Could Give You the Right to Ignore Your Boss After Hours

1:30 How Does It Work in Practice?

4:20 Who Is Impacted if the Bill Goes Into Law?

5:50 How Likely Will the Bill Get Passed?

In late March, Assemblyman Matt Haney introduced a legislative amendment that has sparked significant debate across California. Known as Assembly Bill 2751, the proposed “right to disconnect” law seeks to redefine when and how employers can communicate with their employees outside of work hours. The bill stipulates that communications outside the traditional workday – before or after set work hours – would be off-limits, unless they fall under emergencies or last-minute scheduling changes. This ambitious bill aims to establish clearer boundaries between work and personal time, but its broad applications raise several concerns about practicality and economic impact.

The Intentions Behind the Bill

At its core, AB 2751 is designed to protect employees from the increasingly blurred lines between work and personal life, a boundary that has become even fuzzier in the age of remote work and digital communication tools. The bill’s proponents argue that such measures are necessary to ensure workers can fully disconnect from work, thereby promoting better work-life balance and mental health.

Practical Concerns and Operational Challenges

However, as Chris Micheli, an attorney and lobbyist at the California State Capitol, points out, the practical implications of such a sweeping regulation could be problematic. The restriction on communication could potentially impede workflow, especially in scenarios where project coordination is needed across different schedules or time zones. Micheli highlights the possibility of operational delays and a one-size-fits-all approach that may not fit the diverse needs of various sectors.

Economic and Legal Implications

Beyond operational hurdles, there are significant economic and legal considerations. The bill could impose civil penalties on employers who repeatedly violate the communication restrictions, potentially branding those organizations as difficult work environments. Furthermore, the blanket application across both private and public sectors, including state and local governments, could entail substantial compliance costs.

A Broader Perspective

While the bill is among nine that the California Chamber of Commerce has labeled as “job killers,” it has garnered national attention and public interest, reflecting a widespread demand for policies that address work-life balance. The complexity of the bill, with its broad definitions and potential for significant impact, suggests that more refinement may be needed to balance employee well-being with operational and economic realities.


Assembly Bill 2751, while rooted in the commendable goal of protecting workers’ personal time, illustrates the challenges of legislating work-life balance in our complex economic landscape. As California continues to debate this bill, it will be essential for lawmakers to consider both the intended benefits and the practical ramifications of such regulatory changes. The path forward should involve a nuanced approach that allows for flexibility and adaptation across different industries and work environments, ensuring that the legislation enhances, rather than hinders, the state’s economic vitality and the well-being of its workforce.

*Views expressed in this video/article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of California Insider.

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