Why San Francisco Parents Are Outraged Over Math | Rex Ridgeway

Why San Francisco Parents Are Outraged Over Math | Rex Ridgeway
Siyamak Khorrami

Siyamak sits down with Rex Ridgeway, president of the PTA at Lincoln High School in San Francisco. He explains how San Francisco’s inclusion policies are actually hurting the overall performance of students and why parents are leaving the public school system.

“Kids in San Francisco can’t get to calculus. They moved Algebra 1 out from the 8th grade in a city, which Mayor London Breed has recently said is the hub of AI. In the heart of Silicon Valley, you don’t let kids shine.”

Siyamak Khorrami has been the general manager and chief editor of the Southern California edition of The Epoch Times since 2017. He is also the host of the “California Insider” show, which showcases leaders and professionals across the state with inside information about trending topics and critical issues in California.
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