Some Recommendations to Liberate the Palestinians

Some Recommendations to Liberate the Palestinians
Students wave Palestinian flags and placards after handing over letters with their demands to the College Secretary at the Old School buildings, during a protest in support of Palestinian people, at Cambridge University, in Cambridge, eastern England on May 7, 2024. (Henry Nicholls/AFP via Getty Images)
Christian Milord

For several months, career agitators and college students have railed against Israel on campuses and in the streets. They have called for the liberation of the Palestinians and the annihilation of the country of Israel. Focusing on their posters and slogans, it is apparent they are ignorant of on-the-ground realities in the region and are just along for the ride in a mindless movement similar to the summer of anarchy in 2020.

These disruptors would likely change their tune in a heartbeat if they would step out of virtual reality into the real world of situational awareness and conduct some research on the Middle East. Too many of these activists seem to have been handed everything in life except a solid education. If they truly believed in their “cause” they would unmask and reveal their identities to the world.

If these activists want a better life for the Palestinians, they could turn to the following recommendations that could help Palestinians forge a hopeful future. It might seem idealistic, but it can’t hurt to seek solutions.

First, the Palestinians must recognize the existence of Israel and start including maps of Israel in geography lessons at school. They should also teach a more objective history of the Arab and Jewish people. Instead of celebrating the atrocities of Sept. 11 and Oct. 7, they could learn to cherish life instead of death.

Even Joseph Stalin was one of the first world leaders to recognize the state of Israel in 1948, although for ulterior motives. He believed that Israel would mimic the communist path the Soviets embraced since 1917. He was wrong. Israel evolved from a semi-socialist state into a representative democracy with adversarial branches of government and an innovative market economy.

Next, Palestinians ought to muster the courage to disarm Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza and the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) or vote them out of power. The Fatah Party and Palestinian Authority, under the leadership of Mahmoud Abbas, must also gain control over the extremists in the West Bank. Likewise, the Lebanese government needs to exercise control over Hezbollah in the Golan Heights.

By contrast, there are large numbers of Palestinians in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, but their respective monarchies keep Islamists in line, and relations with Israel have vastly improved. Moreover, in Egypt, the government has been more effective at reining in the Muslim Brotherhood.

Third, don’t allow the United Nations Relief and Works Agency to administer aid to the Palestinians. The U.S. funds about a quarter of the yearly budget for this corrupt agency but has put that aid on hold for now, because Hamas diverts humanitarian aid and much of it doesn’t reach Gaza’s civilians.

Fourth, Palestinians must stand up to the malign influence of Iran in the entire region. Even the death of President Ebrahim Raisi will alter nothing regarding the ambitions of Iran. Iran’s proxies have generated instability in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen, leading to long-term suffering of the civilian populations. Its surrogates in Gaza, the Golan Heights, and the West Bank have hindered economic development, freedom, and the rule of law. Tehran’s goal is to create a permanent revolution in the region in order to expand its reach and exploit chaos to its advantage.

Fifth, Palestinians ought to look no further than Israel to find an example of liberty, prosperity, and security. Israel has evolved into a state that values economic innovation, desalination efforts, efficient services, individual rights, global trade, and others. It reversed course 20 years ago on some socialist tendencies in favor of free market reforms. Peace and stability could replace Nakba (Catastrophe) in Palestinian-held enclaves if the people gave democracy and development a chance.

While Israel is by no means perfect, the government owns up to mistakes and takes corrective actions. While Hamas utilizes Palestinians as human pawns to protect itself, the IDF sacrifices its soldiers to protect Israeli civilians, and it strives to avoid Palestinian casualties.

Finally, after studying the facts, the anti-Semitic disruptors could pivot and direct their protests toward the actual colonizers, occupiers, and genocidal fanatics. Iran’s surrogates have colonized and occupied Gaza, the Golan Heights, and West Bank. They are the groups that initiate terror, misgovern areas under their control, and have no interest in a two-state solution. Their primary goal is the dissolution of Israel in order to create an Islamist state. They also play the race and victim card, but in truth are the instigators of violence against both Israelis and Palestinians.

Countless concessions to these terror groups has only invited more terror against Israeli civilians. Unfortunately, the only thing terror groups respect is force, and they don’t learn from their mistakes. A boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement against Iran’s proxies just might help to nudge them out of business, which would enable the Palestinians to make a new start on the path toward democracy, development, and security. It is up to the Palestinians to reject periodic Intifadas (Resistance) and a welfare mentality so that the cultural and entrepreneurial talents of the people can be realized.

Christian Milord is an Orange County, California-based educator, mentor, USCG veteran, and writer. He earned his M.S. degree from California State University, Fullerton, where he mentors student groups and is involved with literacy programs. His interests include culture, economics, education, domestic and foreign policy, and military issues. He can be reached at [email protected]