From Safe Havens to Danger Zones: Daylight Assaults Shock California’s Capitol Suburbs | Kristina Rogers

From Safe Havens to Danger Zones: Daylight Assaults Shock California’s Capitol Suburbs | Kristina Rogers
California Insider Opinion

The once idyllic Land Park neighborhood in Sacramento is facing a growing crisis of crime and drug addiction, according to Kristina Rogers, leader of the Land Park Community Association. Rogers describes shocking incidents of violence against children and joggers in recent years. Local businesses like Starbucks and Jamba Juice have also been forced to close due to safety concerns from drug dealing and erratic behavior on their properties. Despite efforts by the city like installing cameras, Rogers says crime has only increased. With Sacramento police stretched thin, homeless encampments along the Del Rio trail have become hubs for open drug use and dealing. Frustrated residents now take matters into their own hands by removing tents and confronting campers, though Rogers does not condone this approach. Rogers calls on community members to get more involved politically and hold leaders accountable for the rising problems. With a local election coming in 2024, voters must pay attention to candidates’ plans to address homelessness, addiction and understaffed law enforcement. If changes are not made, the once bucolic Land Park may become an increasingly dangerous place to live.

*Views expressed in this video/article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of California Insider.
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