You can add a new title to the picturesque town of Los Altos Hills, the gem of Silicon Valley—the town of giant pumpkins. Known as the residential home to many brilliant scientists, engineers, doctors, researchers, innovators, and the Nobel Prize winners who have opened technology’s gates to the world as the founders of the most renowned global companies, it’s also home to a number of champion giant pumpkins and their enthusiastic grower, Vince Zunino.
While other local residents grow roses, tomatoes, and persimmon trees, Mr. Zunino grows giant pumpkins, and they’re breathtaking!
A perpetual winner and frequent competitor in the annual “Half Moon Bay Weigh-Off Competition,” Mr. Zunino recently took second place in the “Most Beautiful Pumpkin Contest” with a shapely giant pumpkin named “Pliny the Younger,” which could easily serve as the inspiration for the designers of the famous pumpkin carriage staged by the San Francisco Ballet company’s next “Cinderella” production.
Displayed proudly in front of his stunning architecturally fascinating French-style home in Los Altos Hills, three mammoth pumpkins—this year’s three winning orange color shiny trophies—majestically lounge on the large patch where Mr. Zunino grows his impressive giants for all passersby to view and capture with photos.
After retiring from a very successful career in the high-tech industry of Silicon Valley, Vince Zunino found a fulfilling and fruitful career in growing larger-than-life pumpkins.

Q & A with Vince Zunino
Q: Why Silicon Valley?
A: A native of Susanville, California, I grew up in Carson City, Nevada, and graduated in the recession year of 1974 from the University of Nevada at Reno with a degree in Engineering Science. Silicon Valley was the one place an engineer could find a job. I landed at Memorex and later on at Varian, where I worked for 15 years.Q: When and how did you develop an interest in gardening?
A: My interest in gardening started when I was a kid and spent summers with my grandparents. My grandfather had a huge garden and I helped him in the garden by pulling weeds and catching gophers. Gardening became a hobby when I was a teenager, and I routinely planted a summer garden in my backyard as I was growing up. When my wife and I moved to Los Altos Hills in 1990, my childhood passion for gardening resulted and developed into a huge backyard garden where I wanted my kids to experience gardening as they grew up. Every year I would plant a garden with all the “usual suspects,” including tomatoes, squash, corn, peppers, and such, and we had apricot, almond, and plum trees. At first the kids were not much involved in the growing part, just the harvesting part. That would come later with the giant pumpkins.Q: Does your degree in engineering help you grow the winning champion pumpkins?
A: Nope.Q: Are your kids and grandkids involved in your post engineering venture?
A: No, for grandkids yet. But the kids were very much involved and even picked up a couple of trophies and awards when they were young. But when the nest emptied a few years ago, I kept the hobby going.Q: What is the size of your pumpkin patch on your property?
A: I have two patches. The front patch is about 1,600 square feet. The back patch is a little over 2,000 square feet. You need about 200 square feet to grow a decent sized giant pumpkin.
Q: Do you grow anything else on your property?
A: I used to grow all the common garden vegetables. These days, I only grow heirloom tomatoes because they are much tastier than anything you can buy in the store, and my wife insists. ... She makes tomato soup and salsa to die for with fresh Pink Brandywine tomatoes.Q: Do you participate only in the Half Moon Bay weigh-off competition?
A: I’ve gone to many different weigh-offs in California, including Elk Grove, the Nut Tree, and the California pumpkin weigh-off in Salinas.Q: Name the three mega champions displayed in front of your home.
A: “Ray of Hope” at 1,004 pounds, “Pliny the Younger” at 473 pounds, “Forever Young” at 1,366 pounds. “Ray of Hope,” the svelte 1,004-pound giant pumpkin was on display in front of the Los Altos Hills Town Hall as this year’s participant in the “Guess the Weight of the Giant Pumpkin” annual fun event.Q: How long have you been creating these giant pumpkin displays in front of your house?
A: Since 1998 when my kids were little. As the kids grew up, they had many giant pumpkin adventures, and each year the fruits of the harvest have been displayed in our front yard. Our house has become a local landmark known as the “Pumpkin House.”Q: What’s next?
A: For the last 15 years or so I have been doing genetic crosses with giant pumpkins trying to get the perfect shape and color in a giant pumpkin. This year I grew some beautiful controlled crosses. I hope to refine the linage further so my pumpkins are not only real big but also pretty.