Alix Mayer, former Apple manager and vaccine safety advocate, was thriving at 29—until a vaccine derailed her life.
“My legs turned into noodles. They collapsed underneath me. ... I actually fell asleep at dinner. ... It was the beginning of a huge downfall into what I call health hell.”
Months later, the conditions worsened. “The brain damage set in, and I literally couldn’t read anymore. I’m an MBA, and I did not understand the Wall Street Journal that day. ... I spent three years about 80 percent housebound.”
Doctors couldn’t explain it, she said. She blamed jet lag, then the flu. Years of digging revealed the culprit: the vaccines she trusted.
“All we’re ever told about vaccines is that they’re safe and effective. ... Our agencies have refused to do the safety studies … required all the way back in 1986—almost 50 years.”
Now, Mayer channels her ordeal into action. She co-founded California’s Children’s Health Defense chapter, raised funds for lawsuits, and leads Free Now Foundation to challenge mandates—all to uncover hidden risks.
Her stance is clear. “I’m personally anti-vaccine for me. ... I am for vaccine choice for everyone else. ... I want everybody to be aware of the risks and benefits and make a choice for themselves.”
Watch Mayer reveal what’s hidden in the shots, the courtroom, and the laws shaping your future.