Former Union Boss on Oakland’s Decline and How To Turn It Around

Former Union Boss on Oakland’s Decline and How To Turn It Around
Seneca Scott Courtesy of Bay Area Innovators
Steve Ispas

As a former union boss, Seneca Scott was involved in deciding who would be elected “for the people”. “I was a hired gun... Now I am organizing for my family, for my neighbors, for the elders who are scared to walk down the street”.

“Oakland is going backwards...Our policies have created a emergent Apocalypse, a modern day hellscape...We have no choice. If we want to live in Oakland, I have to fight”, said Seneca Scott, a community activist and founder of Neighbors together Oakland. According to Scott, the corruption in the city is deep-rooted and institutional. He said the “phony” progressives and the “spineless” business people have all contributed to the problem.

Today, he will take a deep dive into the issues that contributed to the decline of Oakland and how it can be turned around from the root.

Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
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