“It was advertised as being a panacea for homeless people. They’re unlikely to use it”.
Siyamak sits down with Doug Chafee, Orange County Supervisor, to talk about the progress of CARE Court program in OC and across the state. This program passed with bipartisan support in 2022 and promised a lot to deal with the mentally ill component of the homelessness in California. We got a lot of information and we were pretty surprised with what we saw. Our investigative reporter, Beige Luciano-Adams will share how it is working six months after being implemented.
“When the bill was introduced it had stronger language in the beginning. And it was seen as a way to compel treatment for this population. It would be an involuntary or parts of it would be involuntary. And then there was a really big backlash from disability rights organizations, civil civil liberties organizations like the ACLU. They sued, the California Supreme Court actually denied their challenge. But they sued and they they issued a lot of public statements, and they put a lot of pressure and ultimately there were amendments made to the bill. And now it’s entirely voluntary.”
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