Beauty filters for teens under the age of 18 will be restricted on video social media platform TikTok after a new report highlighted concerns about the feature.
The report found that most of the teens in the study were in favor of labels on filtered and edited images as a way to avoid increasing anxiety and low self-esteem brought on by unhealthy standards set by the altered images.
“The report also identified new insights about teens’ use of effects and the impact this has on their sense of self,” Grahn wrote in the online announcement.
Beauty filters are applied to still photographs or videos to alter the subject’s physical appearance. Effects can include smoothing skin, changing facial features, and much more.
“A clear distinction was drawn between effects designed to be obvious and funny, like animal ear effects and effects designed to alter your appearance,” Grahn wrote.
“Specifically, teens and parents raised concerns about ‘appearance’ effects, including that those viewing the content might not realise it had been altered.”
As part of its response to the report, TikTok will provide more information about how an effect might change someone’s appearance.
The social media company will also roll out more creators’ guidance so that people developing effects for TikTok Effects House gain “awareness and understanding of some of the unintended outcomes that certain effects may pose.”
TikTok has not announced when the changes will be rolled out or given a timeline for when users can expect to start seeing them.
Experts have warned for years that social media in general can have severe and harmful effects on mental health.
As part of his argument, Murthy’s appeal cited statistics that revealed adolescents who spend more than three hours a day on social media face double the risk of experiencing anxiety and depression.