Klaus Schwab Wants to ‘Structurally Restructure’ the World Despite ‘Extensive Social Tensions’

Klaus Schwab Wants to ‘Structurally Restructure’ the World Despite ‘Extensive Social Tensions’
World Economic Forum chief Klaus Schwab speaks during an event in Berlin, Germany, on Sept. 16, 2020. (Getty Images for Greentech Festival)
Naveen Athrappully

At the B20 meeting in Indonesia, Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), put forward the proposal to restructure the world. The B20 is the official G20 dialogue forum with the international business community.

“What we have to confront is a deep systemic and structural restructuring of our world. And this will take some time. And the world may look differently after … [the] transition process,” Schwab said at the B20 summit on Nov. 14. As to the negative effects of such restructuring, Schwab pointed to the example of a company.

During a business restructuring, some costs will be written off and shareholders will suffer, the WEF head said. In the same way, the restructuring of an economy will result in “a reduction of disposable income which can lead to extensive social tensions,” he admitted.

Schwab also talked about the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which foresees significant changes to society and industries from rising interconnectivity and automation.

During the Fourth Industrial Revolution, advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics, gene editing, and so on are expected to blur the boundaries among the biological, physical, and digital worlds.

During his speech, Schwab talked about using the metaverse, a term referring to a single, universal virtual world, “to create much deeper and much more extensive and comprehensive global dialogues.” Schwab also pushed for more cooperation between the government and corporate sector.

“Governments and businesses have to cooperate in order to become a fast fish. Because in our world of today, it’s not anymore so much [about] a big fish who eats the small fish but it is a fast fish who eats the slow fish.”

The groups that move first to adopt the Fourth Industrial Revolution will automatically win the race. The winners will “take it all.”

The WEF Agenda

The WEF is a network of major multinational businesses that cooperates with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It is also a strategic partner of the United Nations on Agenda 2030, which refers to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Intended as a means to “transforming our world,” Agenda 2030 has been called a “master plan for humanity” by various officials at the UN. Its 17 goals cover almost every aspect of human life and the economy. In the past, the WEF attracted attention by predicting that by 2030, “you’ll own nothing, and you'll be happy.”
In an interview with Breitbart last month, Michael Walsh, author of “Against the Great Reset: Eighteen Theses Contra the New World Order,” warned that WEF’s “Great Reset” program aims to cut down human population and restrict freedoms by using excuses like public health and climate change.

“The Great Reset wants to keep you locked down … They want fewer people in the world … But they need you where they can see you,” Walsh said.

“The idea of mobility, which America is founded on … well, they don’t like that. That makes them very, very uncomfortable,” he added. “What they also don’t like is freedom. They need you as a consumer. It’s the matrix, really.”

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