Major U.S. tech companies have pledged to support an initiative to boost nuclear power generation globally, the World Nuclear Association said on Wednesday.
“This is the first time major businesses beyond the nuclear sector have come together to publicly back an extensive and concerted expansion of nuclear power to meet increasing global energy demand.”
In addition to the 14 companies, the pledge has the backing of 31 nations, 14 major financial institutions, and 140 nuclear industry businesses.
“As global economies expand, the need for a reliable, clean, and resilient energy supply is paramount. Nuclear energy, with its ability to provide continuous power, can help meet this rising demand,” Meta’s head of global energy, Urvi Parekh, said.
Brandon Oyer, the head of energy and water for the Americas at Amazon Web Services, said that acceleration of nuclear energy development is “critical to strengthening our nation’s security” as well as meeting the energy demands of the future.
“Russian and Chinese reactor designs have accounted for 87 percent of new installed nuclear reactors worldwide [since 2017],” Sen. James Risch (R-Idaho) said during a meeting of electric grid operators, state regulators, and other experts on Feb. 25.
“This is something we developed and that they now dominate. This is allowing them to improve technologies and invest in their defense on an industrial basis. This gives Russia and [China] dominance over the countries they supply; their grip will last generations.”
Under the Trump administration, there has been increased interest in tapping into nuclear power.
“The long-awaited American nuclear renaissance must launch during President Trump’s administration. As global energy demand continues to grow, America must lead the commercialization of affordable and abundant nuclear energy,” Wright stated in the order. “As such, the Department [of Energy] will work diligently and creatively to enable the rapid deployment and export of next-generation nuclear technology.”