“Nearly three-quarters (72 percent) of Gen Zers believe they’ll become wealthy one day, making them the most financially optimistic generation.”
But, interestingly, that optimism, as noted by the firm’s executive editor, is “more than just youthful optimism.”
“We are surrounded by extremes of wealth and poverty, and I think younger folks naturally gravitate to the more positive extremes. What’s more, the concept of investing is so much more accessible today, and I know many Gen Zers believe they can harness the power of the market to build wealth” said Ismat Mangla, senior director of content at LendingTree.
Interestingly, while Gen Zers are optimistic they can use the stock market to build wealth, that hasn’t worked out well for the generations before them.
- Forty-nine percent of adults ages 55 to 66 had no personal retirement savings in 2017, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP).
- The latest Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances found that the median savings in Americans’ retirement accounts were $65,000.
- Less than half of those surveyed saved $100,000—which is not enough to support a median income of around $40,000 a year in retirement.
- One in six say they have saved nothing. A third currently make no contributions to retirement savings.
- Eighty percent of people expected to see their living standards fall in retirement, while 10 percent feared they wouldn’t be able to retire at all.
Eighty Percent of Americans Aren’t Wealthy
According to the Magnify survey, Gen Zers defined “being wealthy” by several measures. Most surveyed define “wealthy” as living comfortably without concern about their finances. That goal has eluded all but the top 20 percent of income earners, as shown below.
While 72 percent of Gen Zers believe they will be wealthy, the net worth of the bottom 50 percent of Americans has remained relatively unchanged since 1990. While the middle 50–90 percent of Americans have seen an increase in net worth, it has not been enough to keep up with the standard of living which, as discussed previously, continues to push Americans further into debt.
“The current gap between savings, income, and the cost of living is running at the highest annual deficit on record. It currently requires roughly $6,300 a year in additional debt to maintain the current standard of living. Either that or spending gets reduced, which is the likely outcome as a recession becomes more visible,” according to the one chart to ignore (below).

The Stock Market Won’t Make You Wealthy
Generation Z, born between 1992 and 2002, was between five and 16 years old during the financial crisis of 2008–09. This is important because they have never truly experienced a bear market. Any advice they might have received from financial advisors suggesting caution, asset allocation, or risk management was repeatedly proven to underperform the market.However, since they became old enough to open an investment account, they have only seen a “liquidity-driven” bull market that fostered a generation of those who “buy the [expletive] dip.”

However, while the lack of savings was one of the key points in “the one chart to ignore” above. the other key point—which is why 80 percent of Americans didn’t build wealth—is that “markets don’t compound returns.”
While 26 percent of Gen Zers think that investing in the stock market and 19 percent in cryptocurrencies will be their tickets to financial wealth, a lot of financial history suggests this will not be the case.
While Gen Zers are very optimistic they will be wealthy in the future, a mountain of statistical and financial evidence argues to the contrary. Will some Gen Zers attain a high level of wealth? Absolutely—roughly 10 percent of them. The remainder will likely follow the exact statistical breakdown of the generations before them.
How Money Really Works
It isn’t just about investing money. There are also vital points about the money itself.You most likely will make far more money from your business or profession than from your investments. Only very rarely does someone make a large fortune from investments, and it is generally those that have a business investing wealth for others for a fee or participation. (This even includes Warren Buffett.)
Focus on your career, or business, as the generator of your wealth.
“Live on less than you make and save the rest.” Such sounds simple enough, but is exceedingly difficult in reality. Given that 80 percent of Americans have less than $500 in savings tells the real story. However, without savings, we can’t invest to grow our savings into future wealth.
The fact that you earned what you have doesn’t mean that you could earn it again if you lost it. Treat what you have as though you could never earn it again. Never take chances with your wealth on the assumption that you could get it back.
When someone goes completely broke, it’s almost always because they used borrowed money. Using margin accounts, or mortgages (for other than your home), puts you at risk of being wiped out during a forced liquidation. If you handle all your investments on a cash basis, it’s virtually impossible to lose everything—no matter what might happen in the world—especially if you follow the other rules given here.
Investing money in your future is not as simple as much of the media makes it seem. We all want to be able to under-save today for tomorrow’s needs by hoping the markets will make up the difference. Unfortunately, there is no magic trick to building wealth.
The process of saving diligently, investing conservatively, and managing expectations will build wealth over time.
It’s boring—but it works.
No matter your current age, it’s not too late to start making better choices.