BlackRock CEO Fink, Amazon CEO Jassy Have Widely Different Views on Return to the Office

BlackRock CEO Fink, Amazon CEO Jassy Have Widely Different Views on Return to the Office
Workers at an office in a stock photo. (Monkey Business Images via Shutterstock)

When the COVID-19 pandemic swept throughout the world in early 2020, many business leaders predicted the disease would change business operations forever. Others thought there would be disruptions, but we’d be generally back to life as normal once the virus subsided.

Today, we are still seeing the discrepancy among CEOs. BlackRock Inc. CEO Larry Fink told Fox Business on Tuesday that it is time for employees to return to the office, and that it could help solve the high inflation that consumers are dealing with in the United States.

“We have to get our employees back in the office,” he said on “The Claman Countdown.”

“Rising productivity will offset some of the inflationary pressures.”

On the flipside,, Inc. CEO Andy Jassy does not plan on requiring employees to return to the office. Jassy spoke at the tech conference CODE in Los Angeles on Wednesday and touched on Amazon’s plans regarding remote work.

“We don’t have a plan to require people to come back,” Jassy said onstage Wednesday at the conference.

“We don’t right now. But we’re going to proceed adaptively as we learn.”

It’s possible that companies that require employees to work in person may have a harder time filling open positions. But some business leaders, like Fink believe that remote work has led to a decrease in productivity.

By Aaron Bry
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