An Economic Candle Burning From Both Ends

An Economic Candle Burning From Both Ends
(L-R) Neil Irwin of The New York Times leads Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and former chairs of the Federal Reserve Janet Yellen and Ben Bernanke during a panel discussion at the American Economic Association conference in Atlanta on Jan. 4, 2019. Jessica McGowan/Getty Images
Jeffrey A. Tucker

Some facts of our times follow. As you read, consider your own household and portfolios and how they measure up.

Disposable personal income per capita has been in decline in real terms for 19 straight months. This isn’t just dollar amounts but dollars adjusted for purchasing power. We’re just now level with 2019, which is to say that Americans have lost three years of financial progress.

Savings has hit a new low of 3.2 percent, which is where it stood just after the 2008 financial crisis, which contrasts with 6 percent rates after 1980 and 10 percent average rates in the postwar period.

Credit card debt just jumped to a 20-year high and is still soaring.

(Data: Federal Reserve Economic Data [FRED], St. Louis Fed; Chart: Jeffrey A. Tucker)
Data: Federal Reserve Economic Data [FRED], St. Louis Fed; Chart: Jeffrey A. Tucker

Money, credit, and capital are draining from long-term investments, drying up the venture capitalists and putting a tight credit squeeze on large businesses, where firings in the professional sector have already begun.

Inflation is still embedded and that’s because consumers have come to expect it and adjust their spending habits accordingly, plus wage costs are rising in sectors such as hospitality, retail, and manufacturing.

As an example, the latest housing-price data shows annualized inflation at 15.4 percent year-over-year, even as the buyers’ market is mostly locked up. That’s the very essence of stagflation: rising prices amid declining output.

It might seem strangely calm out there as we approach the holiday season, but the underlying realities are nothing but. An economy can’t live this way, with business deleveraging even as households are taking on ever more debt while the currency is being devalued.

It’s becoming incontrovertible that a conspicuous recession awaits if it isn’t already here.

What’s unfolding before our eyes is a confirmation of a business cycle theory pushed in the 1920s and 1930s by Ludwig von Mises and F.A. Hayek. The so-called Austrian theory observes the distortions in the production structure that result from central bank attempts to suppress interest rates, which is exactly what the Federal Reserve has done.

While the results aren’t manifested in higher overall prices (think of 2008 to 2020), such a policy pushes resources out of shorter-term investments into longer-term speculative ventures. The problem is that speculative capital investment in this case isn’t justified by the existing pool of savings. Indeed, the central bank’s policies have caused “forced savings” with the result of unsustainable business empires.

Hayek uses ferocious language to describe the wealth transfer that’s happening here:

“This causes a part of the social dividend to be distributed to individuals who have not acquired legitimate claim to it through previous services, nor taken them over from others legitimately entitled to them. It is thus taken away from this part of the community against its will.”

When things become shaky or prices start to shift and the central bank starts to back off its pillaging policies, the house of cards starts to fall apart, as resources are drained from long-term speculation to shorter-term consumption and the restarting of real savings.

That’s precisely where we’re in the cycle.

Meanwhile, Washington is still dreaming of new ideas to kill our economic prospects. These include zero-carbon delusions that would literally reverse the Industrial Revolution, monetary reform that would bake surveillance into every transaction, ridiculous and coercive pandemic planning, and ever-higher taxes to transfer resources from us to them.

The failure of the Republicans to retake the Senate or otherwise achieve anything truly decisive puts off possible fixes to this mess far into the future. It’s a future we might not have because time is running short. The candle is burning at both ends.

To be sure, we should all in a macroeconomic sense look forward to a new age of more honest finance. The disaster of zero interest rate policy is finally coming to an end. Former Fed chief Ben Bernanke’s Nobel Prize notwithstanding, this policy massively distorted capital allocation in the economy and around the world for the better part of 14 years. With its end, we’re going to get a taste of some economic and financial rationality.

We might even be able to save money without losing money. So, in that sense, the man who bears the main responsibility for inflation, current Fed Chair Jerome Powell, is the same guy who will finally fix what Bernanke broke all those years ago. Remember those days when everything seemed too good to be true? There was a financial crisis that the Fed magically fixed with no downside.

Except that there was a huge economic, cultural, and social downside. Frugality and prudence gave way to massive excess and a level of craziness in culture that we never imagined we would experience. Among the costs are a bloated and overbuilt professional labor sector that would eventually favor and push lockdowns as the answer to a widespread virus. It was just their excuse for staying home and forcing the working classes to bring them groceries.

What made this preposterously unjust system possible was the Fed with Bernanke at the helm. Quantitative easing turns out to mean upending all normal life and paying the horrid price for this a decade and a half later.

As Bloomberg put it: “The great quantitative easing experiment was a mistake. It’s time central banks acknowledge it for the failure it was and retire it from their policy arsenal as soon as they’re able. ... That’s why central banks need to admit QE was a mistake. Their credibility is already at stake after they underestimated inflation. Now is the time to take a hard look at monetary policy over the last decade and rethink what worked and what didn’t. Otherwise, we’ll be stuck with QE forever.”

As with 1980 and the pain experienced with that recession, we might have rising prosperity to look forward to in about two or three years, at best. But that really does depend on a full policy pivot from Washington toward massive spending cuts, deregulation, and tax relief. Nothing could be both more urgent and more implausible right now.

As a consequence, we have household budgets stretched beyond any sustainable level. And you know this if you shopped for Thanksgiving groceries, which were up by 37 percent over what you paid two years ago.

Right now, consumers and producers are screaming to make it stop. What they mean is that they want life to return back to normal. Sadly, absolutely no one in Washington believes that it’s possible or desirable. The best scenario right now is that matters become less bad so quickly. But there will be no going back to 2019 prices under the current plans.

What that means for households is that something needs to change, and fast. The debt needs to be paid off, credit cards need to be cut up, and dinners out and vacations must be curbed. Frugality needs to become the norm. And not just frugality but actual privation. The middle class needs to change its ways. Sadly, for the poor, there’s no way out from what’s coming. As for the rich, they'll, of course, be fine as always.

As for government finance, there are no words to describe the amount of red ink. With interest rates rising, so too will be the burden of servicing this debt for the U.S. Treasury. Meanwhile, leadership in Washington looks at this data with a kind of nihilistic who-cares attitude. The old days of public-spirited rulers are gone. It’s been replaced by an attitude more like FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried: Steal everything that isn’t nailed down.

The American public is nowhere near woken up to the reality, but Europe knows what’s up. The chaos is both political and economic as people have awakened to what their ruling classes have done to them. We also need to be newly aware and start preparing before it’s too late.

Some day, historians will look back at our times as a great turning point. We’ve been through calamity, and it worsens by the day. Will we enter into a new Dark Age? Or find the light and crawl our way toward it before it’s too late?

Jeffrey A. Tucker
Jeffrey A. Tucker
Jeffrey A. Tucker is the founder and president of the Brownstone Institute and the author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press, as well as 10 books in five languages, most recently “Liberty or Lockdown.” He is also the editor of “The Best of Ludwig von Mises.” He writes a daily column on economics for The Epoch Times and speaks widely on the topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture. He can be reached at [email protected]
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