Bubonic Plague Rages in Inner Mongolia, Suspected Case Reported in Yunnan 

Bubonic Plague Rages in Inner Mongolia, Suspected Case Reported in Yunnan 
A Cypriot mouse (Mus Cypriacus) in a photo released by Durham University in Durham, England, on Oct. 12, 2006.

While the COVID-19 pandemic has not yet ceased, the bubonic plague continues to rage in Inner Mongolia. Now a suspected case of bubonic plague has also been reported in Yunnan Province. The local area has activated a “level 4” alert for plague prevention, and has conducted massive testing on patients with fever.

The Plague Prevention and Control Headquarters of Menghai county, Yunnan Province, issued a notice on Sept. 25, reporting that mice with unknown causes of death were found in Bianyuan village of Xiding township, Menghai county. The mice were tested by the Provincial Endemic Disease Prevention and Control Center and the Prefecture Center for Disease Control on Sept. 21. It was determined that the plague transmitted among mice in Xiding township.

On Sept. 25, a 3-year-old child in Yunnan was diagnosed as a suspected case of bubonic plague.

According to Yunnan Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the local area has activated a “level 4”—the lowest level in a four-level emergency response mechanism, and began a comprehensive investigation of patients with fever and isolation of suspected patients.

In August, deaths caused by the plague have been reported one after another in Inner Mongolia. On Aug. 6, a patient in Damao Banner, Baotou city, died of intestinal plague. Baotou officials raised the risk levels of “a human plague epidemic spreading in the city.”
Only two days later, another person died of bubonic plague in Urad Qianqi, Bayannur city, Inner Mongolia. China sealed off villages in Inner Mongolia to curb the spread of the plague.

Various sources of information show that since the end of last year, the plague epidemic has continued to break out in some provinces and cities in mainland China. But there are few official notices, and local authorities have downplayed the situation. Therefore, the outside world has questioned whether the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is covering up the plague epidemic.

For example, in November 2019, the official notice stated that Beijing and Inner Mongolia had confirmed cases of the plague. However, locals who spoke with The Epoch Times at the time claimed the actual spread of the epidemic went far beyond that. More than 300 villages in northern provinces such as Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Liaoning, and Jilin were completely sealed off to prevent the spread of the plague. Communication in the villages was cut off and armed police were stationed.

According to an internal “Epidemic Report” released on April 13 by the Inner Mongolia Comprehensive Disease Prevention and Control Center, the bubonic plague was detected in 21 locations across four prefecture-level leagues in Inner Mongolia. There are 12 such leagues in the entire region.

The bubonic plague, also known as the Black Death, caused the most deadly pandemic in history. It has the characteristics of rapid onset, high mortality, and rapid spread. The main symptoms are high fever, chills, swollen and tender lymph glands (called buboes), and severe headaches. In severe cases, blood pressure drops and unconsciousness can occur in the early stages.

Alex Wu is a U.S.-based writer for The Epoch Times focusing on Chinese society, Chinese culture, human rights, and international relations.
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