Parents have voiced their disapproval toward the popular British children’s series Peppa Pig for wishing its fans a “Happy Pride Month” on social media.
Among the over 1,400 comments was one from @debiattwoodboehlefeld, “I hope you do the same thing for our veterans and respect for unborn babies.”
That’s while @realnicolelizabeth chimed in “On Christmas you posted Happy Holidays in fear of offending but you have no problem posting pride. Do you think more of your audience celebrates Christmas or pride? Unfollow”
Another added “Why is politics in kids shows?”
Still, others responded to such comments calling those who made them homophobic and ignorant while some thanked the show for celebrating LGBTQ+ families.
“It’s so funny how republicans and Christians love to indoctrinate their children into heteronormativity and can’t stand to see a rainbow,” wrote @eddiediazeddie.
Said @sarahbellhouse1979: “All the outraged homophones do realize that the show has had a family with 2 mums on it for a while, right? So, either you were outraged then and don’t watch it anyway, making your “unfollowing” tantrums irrelevant …”
The Peppa Pig dust-up is just the latest in a trend by other major entertainment companies including Warner Bros. and Disney to promote “inclusivity” to both children and adults. Both companies have incorporated drag queens in its promotions and content.
In general, Disney has been working to make its theme parks more gender-neutral. It eliminated its long-standing greeting welcoming “ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls” and now addresses guests as “dreamers of all ages.”