Biden’s Outright Covid Lies Are Far Worse Than Trump’s Downplaying

Biden’s Outright Covid Lies Are Far Worse Than Trump’s Downplaying
(L-R) President Donald Trump in Daytona Beach, Fla., on Feb. 16, 2020. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in Wilmington, Del., on July 28, 2020. (Chris Graythen/Getty Images; Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images)
Thomas Del Beccaro

As the Election approaches, Joe Biden and the Democrats are seizing on President Trump’s admitted public downplaying of the Covid Crisis. Trump says he wanted to limit panic. Joe Biden, on the other hand, has been wantonly lying about Trump’s Covid response from the beginning in an effort to cause panic.

Joe Biden’s campaign regularly tells Americans that we are facing a “growing public health crisis.” You can find those words on his campaign website and his speeches.

In the face of a crisis, what should a President do? Should that President push fear or seek to calm the nerves of the Americans? In other words, should a President tell Americans that “the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself” or should they say things that cause “unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts.”

The World recognizes the “fear itself” comment belongs to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Few remember his warning in that same speech against “unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts.” In saying those words, Roosevelt not only downplayed fear, Roosevelt understood that leadership is more physical than verbal—that action matters.

Since January of this year, President Trump has undertaken needed efforts en route to the largest government response since Roosevelt’s presidency. Truthful recognition of that starts with Dr. Fauci’s April 13 comment that President Trump followed health recommendations every time they were made.

In fact, President Trump acted ahead of the recommendations by restricting travel from China. Joe Biden’s response to Trump’s action was to accuse Trump of “hysteria, xenophobia, and fear mongering.” Biden’s response was clearly designed to promote “unjustified terror” for the purpose of paralyzing “needed efforts.”

Nevertheless, President Trump continued to act in five broad areas by:
  1. Declaring COVID a public health emergency;
  2. Instituting the largest and most expensive national mobilization since World War II to deliver needed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and ensure no American who has needed a ventilator has gone without one;
  3. Rapidly expanding testing resulting in over 93 million tests having been administered to date;
  4. Instituting the unprecedented Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and providing coronavirus relief payments to small businesses and workers; and
  5. Leading a world-wide effort known as Operation Warp Speed to provide the world with a COVID vaccine.
Overall, the federal government, including the Federal Reserve, has spent nearly $5 trillion addressing the COVID crisis. How much is that? Well, the entire 2020 federal budget was expected to be approximately $5 trillion. In other words, with COVID, the federal government doubled its 2020 spending.

In response to that action, Joe Biden lies to the American people and the world, night and day, by stating: “The president still does not have a plan.”

That is not his only lie—by a long shot.

Biden lied by saying he called for U.S. experts to go to China in January and by saying President Trump made “no effort” to get medical experts into China. In fact, Biden didn’t call for U.S. experts to go to China until Feb. 25 and by then the United States already had personnel in Wuhan, where the pandemic started.

Biden lied by stating President Trump refused the World Health Organization’s (“WHO”) testing kits. In fact, WHO never offered them. Biden further lied when he claimed that the White House Pandemic Response Office was eliminated. It wasn’t.

The Washington Post gave Biden 4 Pinocchio’s when he accused President Trump of “silencing a top CDC official.” They did the same when Biden claimed President Trump called COVID a “hoax.”

Biden lied when accused President Trump of cutting funding for the Center for Disease Control and the National Institute of Health. He also lied about claiming he was the first to call for the use of the Defense Production Act and went so far as to claim he called for that in January. In fact, Biden didn’t bring it up until March 18—after President Trump has already signed an order to do just that.

Now, if someone only heard Joe Biden’s version of events, they might think President Trump might not be doing enough. But there are 5 trillion reasons they are being misled by Joe Biden.

As far as Biden’s COVID plan, the Wall Street Journal recently described it as “Joe Biden’s Me-Too Covid Plan” and states “A mask mandate aside, Trump is already doing what Joe recommends.” Oh, and don’t forget, Biden recently backed away from his mask mandate and his threat to shut down the Country.

In truth, it appears Biden’s only real plan is to lie his way to the presidency and to make Americans fear COVID.

As he does, Biden is violating FDR’s warning by sowing “unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts.” Given that, the last thing Biden should be rewarded with is the White House. Instead, President Trump should rewarded for his actions, his plans, and his steadiness in this crisis.

Thomas Del Beccaro is an acclaimed author, speaker, Fox News, Fox Business, and Epoch Times opinion writer, and former chairman of the California Republican Party. He’s the author of the historical perspectives “The Divided Era” and “The New Conservative Paradigm.”
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Thomas Del Beccaro is an acclaimed author, speaker, former chairman of the California Republican Party, and Fox News, Fox Business, and Epoch Times opinion writer. He is author of the historical perspectives “The Divided Era” and “The New Conservative Paradigm” and is publisher of, where he publishes daily commentaries.
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