To combat illegal fisheries and harmful fishing practices globally, the United States will increase coordination with both domestic agencies and foreign countries.
An Illegal Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Action Alliance among the United States, the UK, and Canada is “a pledge to take urgent action” to improve the monitoring, control, and surveillance of fisheries, according to the White House statement release.
A five-year strategic plan engaging Senegal, Ecuador, Panama, Taiwan, and Vietnam will directly combat IUU fishing on the ground.
Communist China Leads in IUU Fishing Worldwide
At a White House press briefing on June 27, three U.S. senior administration officials explained the background and purpose of the memorandum. “IUU fishing can be interconnected with a web of other troubling security challenges and criminal activities such as trafficking in persons, forced labor, trade in illicit goods, wildlife trafficking, and other violations of law.”One official said that the memorandum is not about any one specific country; but “The PRC is a leading contributor to IUU fishing worldwide, and it has impeded progress on the development of measures to combat IUU fishing and overfishing in international organizations.”
The effort will coordinate with the Department of Labor, Department of Defense, the Coast Guard, and other enforcement agencies as well.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will work closely with Congress on the implementation of the memorandum.