President Joe Biden addresses a joint session of Congress in the House Chamber of the U.S. Capitol in Washington on April 28, 2021. Melina Mara/Pool/Getty Images
Biden pick Robert Santos, a “Latinx statistician,” is being hailed as the nation’s first “census director of color.” If embattled Americans find that puzzling, they might take a look at the Biden pick’s actual record.
The Texas-born Santos serves as vice president of the Urban Institute, where “his specialty areas include undocumented immigrants and other disadvantaged populations.” In 2007, Santos co-authored “Paying the Price: The Impact of Immigration Raids on America’s Children,” a publication (pdf) that was produced for the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), an organization with origins that Americans might find troubling.
“La Raza” derives from “La Raza Cósmica (The Cosmic Race)" by Mexican educator and politician José Vasconcelos. His book contends that the fusion of Spaniards and Indians is a new race, “infinitely superior to all that have previously existed.”
The author derides “the Mongol, with the mystery of his slanted eyes that see everything according to a strange angle.” The “Asiatic peoples” are in decline and “exhausted” because they are “lacking in the necessary boldness for new enterprises.”
According to The Cosmic Race, blacks are “uglier stocks” and part of the “inferior races.” The black is “eager for sensual joy, intoxicated with dances and unbridled lust.” Vasconcellos ranks the Indian with “inferior species,” although they attained a “relative degree of civilization” because of Spanish conquistadors such as Cortes and Pizarro.
For Vasconcelos, “the mestizo, the Indian, and even the black are superior to the white in a countless number of properly spiritual capacities.” According to The Cosmic Race, American children descended from Scandinavians, Dutch, and English “are much slower, and almost dull, compared with the mestizo children and youth from the south.”
Their superior raza cósmica is replacing the inferior black, white, Indian, and Mongol races.
As Mexican American communist Bert Corona explained in “Memoirs of Chicano History,” Vasconcelos became a fascist and his racial theory was “close to the kind of German racial superiority theory supported by Hitler.” True to form, during World War II, Vasconcelos edited Timon, a German magazine that promoted the Nazi agenda.
La Raza Cósmica never caught on in South America but in 1979, it was republished by the Chicano Studies department at Cal State–Los Angeles, a public university supported by taxpayer dollars. La Raza Cósmica was also the basis for the National Council of La Raza, whose executives gained powerful positions in government.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Acting Commissioner John Sanders attends a Police Week event in Washington on May 16, 2019. Donna Burton/CBP/Handout via Reuters
For example, National Council of La Raza Senior Vice President Cecilia Muñoz became director of domestic policy for the Obama administration. Muñoz played a role in drafting an immigration bill that included a $300 million slush fund for left-wing nonprofits.
Muñoz told PBS that “even if the immigration law is executed with perfection, there will be parents separated from their children.” So the separation policy was intentional, and it turned out to be very profitable for the politically connected. Southwest Key, staffed by National Council of La Raza members Juan Sanchez and Anselmo Villareal, took in approximately $500 million in federal contracts to house immigrant children.
KXAN of Austin reported that Southwest Key had received $995 million in federal funds and had “more than 200 violations at its facilities.” According to CNN, Sanchez was bagging $1.47 million a year, “which makes him one of the highest-paid charity CEOs in the country.”
In July 2017, the National Council of La Raza changed its name to UnidosUS. Media reports contained little if any reference to La Raza Cósmica, although NBC News noted that the organization began as the Southwest Council of La Raza “until it became a national organization in 1972.” It was still the National Council of La Raza in 2007 when Robert Santos co-authored the report for the organization.
The name change can’t obscure the reality that the National Council of La Raza, inspired by a racial supremacist, is perhaps the most blatantly racist organization in the United States. Even so, the federal government hired razaist bosses and gave razaist cronies millions of dollars to house illegals.
Young unaccompanied migrants, from ages 3 to 9, watch television inside a playpen at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility, the main detention center for unaccompanied children in the Rio Grande Valley, in Donna, Texas, on March 30, 2021. Dario Lopez-Mills/AP Photo
Whatever it chooses to call itself, a ballpark figure for the amount of taxpayer funds this group should receive is zero. As the basis for “Chicano Studies” at public universities, La Raza Cósmica serves as an example of institutional racism. This vile book should have no place in college or high school curricula.
Legislators and media might want to question Santos about his views on razaist dogma. Legitimate citizens and legal immigrants might wonder if a specialist in “undocumented immigrants” is the right call for director of the Census Bureau.
President Joe Biden is on record that illegals are “already Americans.” So for Biden and his chosen Census boss, the rule of law, due process, and the border itself have little meaning.
Lloyd Billingsley is the author of “Yes I Con: United Fakes of America,” “Barack ‘em Up: A Literary Investigation,” “Hollywood Party,” and other books. His articles have appeared in many publications, including Frontpage Magazine, City Journal, The Wall Street Journal, and American Greatness. Billingsley serves as a policy fellow with the Independent Institute.
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Lloyd Billingsley
Lloyd Billingsley is the author of “Yes I Con: United Fakes of America,” “Barack ‘em Up: A Literary Investigation,” “Hollywood Party,” and other books. His articles have appeared in many publications, including Frontpage Magazine, City Journal, the Wall Street Journal, and American Greatness.
Billingsley serves as a policy fellow with the Independent Institute.