Biden Campaign Edits Criticisms From Marjorie Taylor Greene Into Video Promoting His Presidency

Biden Campaign Edits Criticisms From Marjorie Taylor Greene Into Video Promoting His Presidency
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) speaks to reporters after attending a briefing with U.S. Secret Service officials on the cocaine substance found at the White House on July 13, 2023. Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images
Ryan Morgan

President Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign edited the words of one of his most ardent critics, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), as an endorsement of his presidential record.

On Tuesday, Mr. Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign published a new campaign ad, which takes a portion of a speech Ms. Greene gave at a Turning Point Action Conference over the weekend, to present her saying the Biden administration has been heavily investing taxpayer dollars in such issues as infrastructure, education and healthcare. The Biden campaign video features a segment of Ms. Greene’s TPUSA speech, set to uplifting music and interspersed with footage of Mr. Biden in the White House and along the campaign trail.

“Joe Biden had the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs, that is actually finishing what FDR [President Franklin D. Roosevelt] started, that LBJ [President Lindon B. Johnson] expanded on, and Joe Biden is attempting to complete,” Ms. Greene said in the Biden campaign ad. “Programs to address education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, labor unions, and he still is working on it.”

Mr. Biden made the purpose of the campaign video even more clear, tweeting it out on Tuesday with the caption, “I approve this message.”

Context Changed, Words Removed From Greene’s Speech

The Biden campaign’s edited version of Ms. Greene’s speech rearranges the order of some of her words and removes others from a portion of her speech in which she compared the Biden administration’s agenda to that of the Johnson administration of the 1960s. In fact, Ms. Greene’s comments about infrastructure, education and healthcare were specifically describing the “Great Society” agenda of the Johnson administration of the 1960s.

“[Mr. Johnson] was appointed as the president after JFK [President John F. Kennedy] was assassinated. Then he was elected. His big socialist programs were the Great Society. The Great Society were big government programs to address education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and welfare, the Office of Economic Opportunity, and big labor and labor unions,” Ms. Greene said in her speech at the Turning Point Action Conference.

“Now LBJ had the Great Society, but Joe Biden had Build Back Better, and he’s still working on the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs, that is actually what FDR started, that LBJ expanded on, and Joe Biden is attempting to complete: socialism,” Ms. Greene continued in her speech. “Meanwhile, we are now $32 trillion in debt, with record high homelessness, 40-year record inflation. We’re losing the U.S. Dollar as the number one world currency. We’re losing our freedoms. Our government is one big, fat, bloated machine, and it’s killing the American dream. Our jobs are sent overseas, and American manufacturing only is looming over small-town America, like a graveyard of the American dream. And now we find ourselves on the verge of another pointless foreign war.”

In response to the Biden campaign’s video, Ms. Greene tweeted the portion of the speech where she described the growing national debt, 40-year record inflation and the declining popularity of the U.S. dollar’s share of the global reserve currency. “This is really what Joe Biden approves,” she tweeted.

Liberal Pundits Celebrated MTG’s Remarks

Even before the Biden campaign released its ad, several liberal pundits were celebrating Ms. Greene’s remarks as a gift for the Biden administration.
On Sunday, MSNBC Host Johnathan Lemire described how the Biden administration has struggled to convince the general public that he has done a good job handling the U.S. economy. Mr. Lemire noted a June poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, which found 34 percent of respondents approved of Mr. Biden’s job on the economy, while 64 percent disapproved.

Mr. Lemire then played Ms. Greene’s remarks at the Turning Point Action Conference before stating, “That sound you’re hearing is the White House thanking Marjorie Taylor Greene for the campaign commercial.”

“If I were the Democratic leadership or the Biden team, I would take that clip and run it all over the country,” Rev. Al Sharpton added during the same MSNBC segment.

Liberal podcast host Brian Taylor Cohen also tweeted a clip of Ms. Greene’s remarks on Sunday with the caption, “Marjorie Taylor Greene warns Joe Biden is trying to ‘finish what FDR started’ by trying to address problems related to ‘rural poverty,’ ‘education,’ and ’medical care.‘ She warns it’s similar to when LBJ passed ’Medicare and Medicaid.’

The official White House Twitter account responded to Mr. Cohen, post on Twitter, “Caught us. President Biden is working to make life easier for hardworking families.”