“[A] great deal is asked of [our] immune system. On one hand, it has “to respond rapidly and violently to invaders, but at the same time limits both the… response and the collateral damage to the host.” Anaphylactic shock, like when someone with a peanut allergy drops dead after eating a peanut, is an example of an overactive immune response. The flip-side is an underactive immune response, which can put you at risk for infection.
If you suffer some severe trauma, for example, it’s not enough to get to a level 1 trauma center. Death related to sepsis, blood infection, is still a major problem. And, a major factor is the depression of our immune system caused by the stress of the trauma. So, what these researchers did was try to stimulate immune function in trauma victims by injecting them with beta glucan, a type of fiber found in yeast—mostly car crash victims, but also gunshots and stab wounds. And, not only did the beta-glucan group suffer less sepsis overall, they had five times fewer complications, and no deaths—compared to nearly one in three dying in the control group.
A “randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study compared the effects of daily supplementation” for a month with about a teaspoon of nutritional yeast worth of beta glucans versus placebo on the “physical and psychological health… of self-described ‘moderate’ ragweed allergy sufferers.” The ragweed family is one of the leading causes of hay fever. Give people a placebo and nothing much happens. But, in the beta-glucan group, a significant drop in symptoms and symptom severity. Fewer runny noses, fewer itchy eyes, and fewer sleep problems. So, no wonder: less tension, depression, anger, fatigue, and confusion, and more vigor. So, improved allergy symptoms, overall physical health, and emotional well-being with the beta glucans found in a single teaspoon of nutritional yeast, which would cost about five cents a day.