Heartwarming Moment Baby Deer Reunites With its Mother After Getting Trapped in Hole

Epoch Video

While walking with his friends on a peaceful afternoon, a man named Kevin and the rest of his group were alerted to cries of distress leading them into a situation they didn’t see coming. Cries and sounds of pain were coming from a small hole in which a young fawn had apparently gotten itself trapped in with no way of getting itself out.

Luckily for the crying animal, Kevin was able to gently reach under the fawn’s body to undo the uncomfortable position its leg had been in, which was causing it to remain stuck in the hole, and free the fawn. At first, Kevin was worried he’d injure the fawn if he’d gone for its neck or upper body, but after showing the fawn he had no intention of harming him, the animal began to relax, allowing Kevin to finally get his hand in there to rescue the poor thing.

After pulling it out, the young fawn began to cry for his mother while at the same time allowing Kevin to hold him as he would hold any other small creature. Eventually, what could have turned into a very dark day for the fawn ended on a high note as its mother returned, allowing Kevin to finally release the fawn back to its mother where it could one day grow up to become a full grown deer itself.

Credit: Jukin

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