Award Winning Author: Shen Yun Is Magical and Gorgeous

Award Winning Author: Shen Yun Is Magical and Gorgeous
Bethany Barton, an artist, author, and illustrator of children’s books, and her son, Leo Barton, enjoyed the Shen Yun evening performance at The Soraya (formerly Valley Performing Arts Center) in Northridge, Calif., on April 25, 2018. NTD Television

“I thought it was beautiful. It was magical. It was a perfect introduction to theatre and dance for my little guy because the integration of the screen, the humor, the colors were really inspiring and beautiful.”

“The color is incredible. It looks like a painting coming to life—it is gorgeous.”

“The costumes—the way the sleeves move ['Han Dynasty Sleeves’ vignette], it was like a moving flower. It’s beautiful.”

“We were actually familiar with the monkey story, the Monkey King. So it was really neat seeing it shown with dance and the screen [animated backdrop].”

“[The story dances] are very uplifting, positive and family friendly stories, so it was a nice mixture of the arts and the values you are trying to share.”

“I think it was beautiful, inspiring, exciting, and funny.”

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