- Urinary frequency
- Urgency
- Nocturia (abnormal frequency of night time urination)
- Decreased and intermittent force of stream
- Sensation of incomplete bladder emptying.
Current approaches include side effect heavy pharmaceuticals such as alpha adrenergic blockers and 5 a-reductase inhibitors, as well “gold standard” surgical procedures such as transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), which so consistently produces surgery related impairments that there is an entire syndrome named after these side effects, namely, Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) Syndrome.
The human cost in both financial and existential terms is immense. This is why interest in safe, natural, affordable and effective alternatives is growing, and why the researchers felt compelled to test the hypothesis that eating flaxseed might provide an ideal alternative approach.
In the randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled study, three groups of men, aged 45-75, with recently diagnosed BPH and an American Urological Association Symptom Index (AUASI) score of ‡ 13 , were given either a placebo, or a low or high dose of a lignin-rich flaxseed hull extract. More specifically:

The promising results were reported as follows:

The treatment group did not see any sign of increased side effects relative to the placebo group, indicating how remarkably safe flaxseed is versus conventional treatment. Also, because the placebo group also saw a significant improvement, it is possible that the strong placebo effect may have overshadowed the real power of the intervention. We hope that in the future a non-pharmaceutical industry funded study compares flaxseed to both pharmaceutical and surgical intervention to assess its true power.
Concluding Remarks
This study is highly promising for a number of reasons. First, flaxseed is a safe, time-tested, and highly nutritious food that has been researched for a wide range of health benefits. Anything that can be used as a nourishing food while at the same time significantly relieving human suffering from a common disease, is highly compelling.But there is a deeper reason why flaxseed may work so well. Our bodies co-evolved with certain foods for hundreds of thousands of years. Certain foods contains phytocompounds which our bodies have become dependent upon for self-regulation and homeostasis It is possible that lignins are vitally important, as essential as vitamins for maintaining optimal health. Obviously BPH is not caused by a lack of surgery or synthetic chemicals, but it might be true to say that BPH is caused by the lack of an ideal diet which would include lignin rich foods like flaxseed. Cleary, therefore, flaxseed could be considered part of a root cause resolution approach to BPH, versus looking it as just a palliative “disease management” tool like most of the approaches within the conventional armamentarium. We also reported on a study which found, in the first study of its kind, that sesame seed contains as high -- if not a higher density -- of lignans than flaxseed.