Australia Announces $11.7 Million in Extra Funding for Victims of Institutional Child Sex Abuse

Australia Announces $11.7 Million in Extra Funding for Victims of Institutional Child Sex Abuse
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison holds a press conference on June 24, 2019, in Perth, Australia. Australian Broadcasting Corporation via AP

Australia’s The Morrison government has put more than A$11.7 million in extra funding into the national redress scheme, as parliament prepares to mark one year since child sex abuse survivors received a national apology.

The extra money aims to make the application process for redress quicker and easier, with advocates recently describing the A$3.8 billion national scheme as frustrating, slow, and difficult.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison will deliver a speech to the House of Representatives on Tuesday to mark one year since delivering the national apology, while a permanent tribute has also been unveiled at Parliament House.

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