Canada doesn’t have an equivalent law that requires people acting on behalf of foreign governments to register with the government, and be subject to prosecution if they fail to do so, but Conservative Sen. Leo Housakos is trying to change that.

“All the Trudeau government has to do is ... give the green light to Trudeau-appointed senators to review the bill, to pass the bill, and send it to the House of Commons, and within two, three months we can have a foreign registry,” he told The Epoch Times.
“[This] would be the first step forward in dealing with foreign interference and particularly dealing with the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] and their activity here in Canada.”
Housakos believes there is no time for public consultations, given the urgency of the situation.
“They’re talking about launching a consultation in terms of putting together a foreign registry bill, which is ridiculous. We understand the urgency of this nature and there’s no time for consultation, discussion. We saw Australia, we saw the United States take action,” he said.
“Right now, intimidation and foreign interference is not being done only against government institutions and parliamentary bodies. We have first-hand evidence where the regime in Beijing is intimidating Canadians of Chinese descent.”

“A foreign registry and other laws of this nature would have given the RCMP the capacity to lay charges,” he said.
CCP ‘Weaponizing Nationalism’
Some in the Liberal Party have voiced support for a foreign registry. Liberal MP Francesco Sorbara said in the House Commons on April 17 that he is in favour of such a measure, citing laws in the United States and Australia, reported Blacklock’s Reporter.At a news conference on April 17, when asked about whether a foreign registry would be in place before the next election, he said the government needs to “take on a range of tools” to address foreign interference, and that any measures should avoid making certain diaspora groups like Chinese-Canadians more vulnerable.
But former Conservative MP Kenny Chiu warns against conflating the issue of foreign interference with racism.
“The communist Chinese regime has been weaponizing nationalism and hijacking the anti-Asian racism topics. It is, however, really sad to see that the prime minister has fallen victim, or worse, may have deliberately played into the same narrative as the Chinese communist [regime],” he told The Epoch Times.

He noted that in both his and Housakos’s proposed legislation, “China” or “Chinese” are not mentioned since a foreign registry also addresses interference attempts by other authoritarian regimes, such as Russia and Iran. Chiu thus warned against repeating the CCP narrative of racism in pushing back against foreign influence.
“By keep on repeating this and not giving up this same narrative as the CCP, [Trudeau] is jeopardizing Canadians of Chinese descent and perpetuating a racist view that only Chinese-Canadians are at risk. That is far from the truth,” he said.
Chiu further noted that the man in Australia arrested on foreign interference charges is not of Chinese descent, which indicates that race is not a concern to the CCP in terms of their influence attempts.
“So they are race-neutral, and they are political ideology-neutral. They don’t care if you are left-leaning or right-leaning—all they care about is that you have power to corrupt, that you have information that they need. They don’t care if you are white, Anglo-Saxon, or native Chinese or non-Chinese.”