The national movement to eradicate what activists call systemic racism and white privilege from medicine and health care has few public critics in the medical profession. A possible reason: Skeptics who have questioned these efforts have been subject to harsh Twitter campaigns, professional demotions and other blowback.
In Minneapolis, Hennepin Healthcare System removed gynecologist Tara Gustilo, of Filipino descent, from her position as chair of the OB/GYN department after members of her department questioned her “ability to lead.” The demotion followed her series of Facebook posts criticizing critical race theory, Black Lives Matter and “How to Be an Antiracist” author Ibram X. Kendi, and her insistence that her department must strictly adhere to race-neutral policies with regard to patient care.
In each case, the dissenting doctors broadcast opinions counter to the official positions and policies of their organizations. The American Heart Association and Pitt officials, on Twitter and in public announcements, said Wang’s critique of affirmative action was inconsistent with their institutional values of diversity and inclusion.
Such incidents are noteworthy because of their eerily scripted language of moral outrage and public denunciation, coming from the nation’s highest levels of professional achievement, often on internal issues that would typically be handled with sensitivity and discretion as personnel matters.
Those who are concerned by the social justice fervor sweeping through the medical profession say that such examples are evidence of the movement’s chilling effect on open debate of complex social issues.
“Most in academic medicine who are troubled by this are keeping their heads down and keeping their mouths shut,” said Thomas Huddle, who retired this year as professor at the medical school at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. “They’re deeply afraid of social media mobs and of academic administrative superiors who’ve taken this stuff on.”

In the wake of George Floyd’s killing last year, the social justice movement has generated tremendous support. Brittani James and Stella Safo, both African American doctors, drew more than 10,000 signatures for their petition to review and restructure JAMA in the aftermath of the February podcast.
They say the underrepresentation of people of color and the erasure of their perspectives on racism is typical of many elite institutions in medicine.
“Racism was created with intention and must therefore be undone with intention,” the petition states. “Structural racism has deeply permeated the field of medicine and must be actively dissolved through proper antiracist education and purposeful equitable policy creation.”
James, a Chicago-based physician and assistant professor in the College of Medicine at the University of Illinois, said she has little patience with accusations that social justice fosters cancel culture.
“I have to chuckle,” James said. “As a black woman, I absolutely cannot express my opinion, ever.
“I have to consistently think whom I’m in the room with. And I will be fired quickly without fanfare, without anyone advocating for me,” James said. “This idea that they’re uniquely persecuted is totally divorced from reality. My entire life has been a tightrope of being careful what I say, because there’ll be retribution against me.”
A Hennepin spokeswoman said the organization can’t comment during pending legal actions but said by email that the “allegations are inaccurate.”
Erica Li, a West Coast pediatrician and FAIR volunteer active in the development of the medicine chapter, agrees that racism exists in some situations, but said that racial disparities could have multiple causes. She opposes using affirmative action and other race-based standards to achieve equity, a term that refers to mandating equal outcomes by race.
Li said she is not fearful of retaliation, but asked that her precise location not be disclosed in this article. She said she “has taken great lengths to take my photos and contact information off the Internet” after a colleague received death threats over an issue not related to critical race theory.
A growing frustration with racial disparities in American society is motivating the push for what activists call structural or systemic changes. On the JAMA podcast, however, the deputy editor, Edward Livingston, expressed skepticism that this was the wisest approach.
“Structural racism is an unfortunate term to describe a very real problem,” Livingston said, acknowledging that poverty and economic inequality can lead to racial disparities. “But we strive to have a society that’s more equal, where everybody has the same opportunities.”
“Personally, I think taking racism out of the conversation would help. Many people like myself are offended by the implication that we are somehow racist,” Livingston said, according to published reports. “The focus must be on equal opportunity and making sure that that exists.”
Safo, an assistant clinical professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, said the podcast struck a raw nerve. “I think there’s a real discomfort with our country’s reckoning around race. And there’s a real desire by individuals in power to feel like, ‘Well, not me, I’m not one of them.’”
“They call it cancel culture, but it’s actually accountability.”