Zimmerman Saving Family After Car Accident ‘Not Staged,’ Says Lawyer

Zimmerman Saving Family After Car Accident ‘Not Staged,’ Says Lawyer
Zachary Stieber

George Zimmerman saved a family of four after a car crash just days after he was acquitted in the Trayvon Martin killing case, and the situation was “not set up or staged,” said Zimmerman’s lawyer on July 24.

Mark O'Mara, who was one of the top two lawyers on Zimmerman’s defense team during the trial, told reporters on Wednesday afternoon that Zimmerman saving the family “was coincidental four or five days after the verdict, but it was not set up, or staged.”

Really, do you think we would’ve set up a family of four on the side (of the road), destroying an SUV?” said O'Mara, according to local broadcaster WESH-TV.

“Those who want to believe it’s staged, they can go ahead and believe that. They can believe the earth is flat,” he said.

Police officers, firefighters, and all the victims identified Zimmerman as being on the scene. 

The family had scheduled a news conference for Wednesday afternoon but canceled it. The family was concerned that their involvement in the case “may cause them blow back,” said O'Mara. 




Zachary Stieber
Zachary Stieber
Senior Reporter
Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news. Contact Zachary at [email protected]