YouTubers Play With Flamethrower, Film It in Ultra HD Slow Motion

Epoch Video

Gav and Dan, aka “The Slow Mo Guys,” are already an established phenomenon. Their YouTube channel has been around for about 5 years, bringing us anything and everything the authors can film with high-speed HD cameras and then show us in slow motion a visual spectacle.

One would think that after a few years they'd run into some inspirational drought, but it seems like they’re just getting started.

The videos are in 4K, so we strongly recommend full-screen watching on the best and largest screen you can grab.

Just this week Gav and Dan got their hands on some incredible (and incredibly dangerous) stuff—a real-life, full-blown flamethrower.

And, as you can see, the slow-mo action is every bit as gripping as you'd expect. Just a reminder: The videos are in 4K, so we strongly recommend full-screen watching on the best and largest screen you can grab.

Now, if you think this was just about as ‘cool’ as slow motion fire can get, just wait until you see this artificial fire tornado slowed down to a crawl: