Jordan’s King Abdullah II isn’t too happy with the barbaric ISIS killing one of the country’s air force pilots.
ISIS, or the Islamic State, on Tuesday released a graphic, horrific video of Jordan Air Force pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh being burned alive in a cage. He was captured after his plane crashed during an anti-ISIS sortie in December.
Following The killing, King Abdullah quoted the Clint Eastwood western, “Unforgiven,” in how he will deal with ISIS. “Any man I see out there, I’m gonna kill him,” Eastwood’s character, William Munny, says in the film. “Any son of a [expletive] takes a shot at me, I’m not only going to kill him, I’m going to kill his wife and all his friends and burn his damn house down.”
California Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter was quoted by the Washington Examiner as saying that Abdullah may have uttered that line from the film.
“He said there is going to be retribution like ISIS hasn’t seen,” he said. “He mentioned ‘Unforgiven’ and he mentioned Clint Eastwood, and he actually quoted a part of the movie.”

After the killing, Abdullah is very “angry.” He said, “They’re starting more sorties tomorrow than they’ve ever had. They’re starting tomorrow. And he said, ‘The only problem we’re going to have is running out of fuel and bullets.”
The Islamist terrorist organization also said it killed the pilot a month ago but only released the footage this week. Before the video was released, ISIS tried to use the pilot in negotiations for convicted terrorists in Jordan.
Meanwhile, Jordan executed two al-Qaeda prisoners before dawn on Wednesday, reported The Associated Press.
The executions took place at the Swaqa prison, located about 50 miles from Amman, the capital of Jordan.
The father of the pilot also called on the government to “take revenge for [him] and to take revenge for the country.”