You Won’t Believe It! T-shirt Freezes in 1 Minute!

After some record breaking low temperatures in the U.S, a man takes a wet T-shirt outside in a minus 50 degree wind chill, to see what happens.

After some record breaking low temperatures in the U.S, a man takes a wet T-shirt outside (along with some cheesy ‘Rockysque’ music) in a minus 50 degree wind chill, to see what happens.  After one minute you will be surprised at the results.

An arctic cold snap struck the US Midwest on January 6, bringing some record-low temperatures to the area. As values in Dubuque, Iowa, plummeted, owners of a T-shirt-printing company decided to put their product to the test. Tom Rauen of Envision Tees doused a shirt in water before letting the elements do their work. After just one minute, the T-shirt is frozen in place. (Tom Rauen/Envision Tees)