WWE Extreme Rules Predictions

WWE Extreme Rules Predictions
Zachary Stallings

On May 4th WWE’s first Pay-Per-View of it’s new season Extreme Rules will take place at the Izod Center in East Rutherford, New Jersy. Extreme Rules is an event where anything goes, it’s a place where grudges are settled, bones are broken, and careers are shortened. There are three matches that will take place that will be the focus of the card; Bray Wyatt vs John Cena (inside a steel cage), The Shield vs Evolution, and Kane vs Daniel Bryan in an Extreme Rules match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. There is a lot to look forward to from now until WrestleMania and Extreme Rules is shaping up to be a really good start.

John Cena vs Bray Wyatt (inside a steel cage)

At WrestleMania 30 John Cena defeated the Michael Cole dubbed false prophet, Bray Wyatt in a match where John Cena believed his legacy was on the line. Since that match Bray Wyatt has developed an even bigger cult like following within the WWE Universe, and for John Cena’s this is proof of his biggest fears; the universe is listening to him.

Wyatt feels like he has John Cena right where he wants him because everywhere they go he feels like he is pulling more, and more of Cena’s fans over to his side. This past week on Raw John Cena’s fear became a reality. Cena’s fate was put into the hands of the WWE Universe; the fans had a choice, let Cena face one member of the Wyatt family, two members, or all three members of the Wyatt family. Cena’s fear came true; the fans have been listing to Bray Wyatt’s cryptic messages, they put him in a three on one handicap match, and John Cena got destroyed by the Wyatt Family.

Wyatt’s ultimate goal is not to beat Cena, but to destroy him; destroy him and everything he stands for. Wyatt wants to destroy everything that Cena stands for by proving that everything that he says and does is a lie. John Cena’s goal now is to silence Wyatt, and too prove to the WWE Universe that everything that he says and does has been true from the very beginning. On May 4th the two men will step foot inside a steel cage, one man will walk out victorious and the other broken, not only physically but mentally as well.

Winner of the Match: Bray Wyatt

The Shield vs Evolution

The match with The Shield and Evolution started with what has been called “the spear heard around the world” on the Monday Night Raw after WrestleMania. On that night HHH put himself in a championship match with Daniel Bryan, but before the match began Randy Orton, Batista, and Kane came down and left Bryan laying on the canvas. HHH would come out and would force the referee to start the match, but before HHH could doing anything The Shield’s music hit. What would happen next would start a war between two of the most dominate groups that the WWE has ever seen; Roman Reigns speared HHH.

The next Raw HHH would try to get Orton and Batista on the same page but it didn’t work. Orton and Batista were later put in a match with the Uso’s where The Shield would interfere, and left Orton and Batista running in the other direction. Later that night The Shield was put in an 11 on 3 handicap match where they would be left on the canvas only to have HHH, Randy Orton, and Batista emerge reunited as the faction Evolution. Adding insult to injury Evolution went to the ring and beat on The Shield even more, proving the point HHH made on Friday Night SmackDown that same week; “you either adapt or perish”. This match will determine who is the most dominate team in the WWE, and if The Shield past three on three matches are any indication of what is to come, this should be on heck of a fight.

Winner of the Match: The Shield

Kane vs Daniel Bryan (Extreme Rules Match) for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

The former tag team champions Kane and Daniel Bryan will square off in an Extreme Rules match for the richest prize in the WWE, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. This whole match was put together by Stephanie McMahon when she sat Kane down and simply asked him what has happened to him. McMahon said she wanted to see the old Kane, the Kane that Daniel Bryan would have no chance against, she wanted to see the Devils favorite Demon, and that is exactly what she got.

This past Monday on Raw Daniel Bryan returned to Raw after taking a week off for his honeymoon. Upon his return Stephanie informed him that he would be defending his title against Kane at Extreme Rules. Then Kane returned, the past few months Kane had been wearing a suit and doing Stephanie and HHH’s biding in an executive manner (sort of). On Monday though Stephanie got more then she bargained for when Kane took off the suit and put on his mask. Kane destroyed Daniel Bryan, Kane tombstone Bryan three times once on the floor, then on the steel steps, and finally on the announcers table.

Questions must be running through the minds of the WWE Universe the main one being can Daniel Bryan defeat the monster Kane. Bryan has been put in matches where it seem like there are overwhelming odds, and has come out on top before. This time though Bryan is facing a monster a man that will do anything and everything he has to, the question is can Daniel do the same?

Winner of the Match: Daniel Bryan

Other Match Predictions

Pagie vs Tamina Snuka for the Divas Championship Winner: Paige

R-Truth and Xavier Wood vs Alexander Rusev Winner: Alexander Rusev

Big E Langston vs Bad News Barrett for the Intercontinental Championship (if Barrett beats R.V.D this Monday on Raw) Winner: Bad News Barrett


I'm a writer pursuing a career in sports journalism. The two main areas I cover are Professional Wrestling and the sport of boxing. I hope you enjoy reading my articles.
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