World-Wide Representation in Dragon Boat Races

HONG KONG—Tsim Sha Tsui (TST) was overflowing with Dragon Boat enthusiasts last weekend June 7 and 8 for the Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races.
World-Wide Representation in Dragon Boat Races
Boat crews getting ready to take part in the Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races in Victoria Harbour on Saturday June 7. (Bill Cox/Epoch Times)

HONG KONG—Tsim Sha Tsui (TST) was overflowing with Dragon Boat enthusiasts last weekend June 7 and 8 for the Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races. Coming directly on the heels of the Stanley Festival and other activities all over Hong Kong the previous weekend it is amazing that this Mega Events sponsored event attracted such support, but with over 200 teams taking part involving more than 5000 Paddlers it was another great success.

This 3-day event is organised like clockwork so that one race can start soon after the previous one has finished with boat crews checked and ready to go as soon as boats become available. A long line of competitors trailed back from the boat boarding area as their time to compete approached. Others sat on the sidelines recovering after competing in this high adrenalin sport.

There were local, Asian and international classes for small and standard Dragon Boats producing an array of results including winning teams from Hong Kong, China, Chinese Taipei, Australia and USA. Winners of the International classes are shown below.

Results - Small Boats (Friday June 6)
International Mixed: Australia-A with Australia-B second and DCH USA third.
International Women: Australia-A, Australia-B and Philadelphia Dragon Boat Association (Philadelphia DBA).
International Open: Dongguan MaChong Everbright Dragon Boat Team (Dongguan MaChong), followed by Philadelphia DBA and Australia-B.

Results - Standard Boats (Saturdays June 7)
International Mixed: Chinese Taipei (Mr CaNoe), Philadelphia DBA and Australia-A
International Open: Dongguan Machong Everbright DBT, Jiujianglong DBC, Australia.

Results - Grand Championships (Sunday June 8)
International Mixed: Philadelphia DBA, Chinese Taipei (Mr CaNoe), and Fish Eagle Dragon Boat.
International Women: Juijianglong DBC, BGC Stormy Dragons and AWA Globe Paddlers.
International Open: Dongguan MaChong Everbright DBT, Juijianglong DBC and Chinese Taipei Open.