World in Brief, Dec. 22, 2009

Columbian Governor Luis Francisco Cuéllar Carvajal kidnapped from his home by armed rebels.
World in Brief, Dec. 22, 2009
<a><img src="" alt="Columbian Governor Luis Francisco Cuéllar Carvajal was kidnapped from his home in Florencia on Monday by armed rebels from the guerrilla movement Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). (Luis Ramirez/AFP/Getty Images )" title="Columbian Governor Luis Francisco Cuéllar Carvajal was kidnapped from his home in Florencia on Monday by armed rebels from the guerrilla movement Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). (Luis Ramirez/AFP/Getty Images )" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1824542"/></a>
Columbian Governor Luis Francisco Cuéllar Carvajal was kidnapped from his home in Florencia on Monday by armed rebels from the guerrilla movement Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). (Luis Ramirez/AFP/Getty Images )


Columbian Governor Kidnapped by FARC Rebels/Columbia

Columbian Governor Luis Francisco Cuéllar Carvajal was kidnapped from his home in Florencia on Monday by armed rebels from the guerrilla movement Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). A police officer was killed during the kidnapping as a fight broke out between state troops and guerrillas, according to television station Caracol. The national government has put up a US$500,000 reward for the golden tip leading to Carvajal’s rescue. Currently 300 troops are searching for the governor in the area around Florencia, according to Columbian Defense Minister Gabriel Silva, in local reports. The last time the left-wing rebel group kidnapped a high-profile politician was in 2002.


Hugo Chavez Hits Out at Netherlands, U.S.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez found a new enemy last week. Chavez accused the Netherlands of cooperating with the U.S. in the preparation of “aggression” toward Venezuela by allowing U.S. warships, secret agents, and spy planes on the Dutch Islands—40 miles from the Venezuelan shore. According to Dutch media ANP the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Verhagen says the only cooperation on the Dutch Antilles is for fighting drugs. Earlier this month Chavez accused Venezuela’s neighbor, Colombia, of giving the United States the opportunity to base war preparation materials in the country. In the past, Chavez said everything within 200 sea miles should fall within the northern border of Venezuela, including the Dutch Antilles. According to the U.N. it should be 12 miles.


Italian Couple Kidnapped in Mauritania

An Italian couple was kidnapped by gunmen in the Northern African country, Mauritania, on the evening of Dec. 18, according to Italian media. Sergio Ciscala, 65, and his wife, Filomena Kabouree, 39, were abducted on a road between the city of Kobeny and Mali. The couple’s abandoned jeep was found by police in an area in which groups linked to al-Qaeda are active. Local police and security services have linked the abduction to al-Qaeda, according to Italian media. The car had traces of gun bullets, their bags were still in the car. Local police suspect the couple have been brought to Mali, to “al-Qaeda bases” in the north of the country.


Kazakhstan Embraces Winter

While many Europeans and Northren Americans shiver during the arctic-like temperatures and heavy snow, Kazakhstan President Noersoeltan Nazarbayev is of the opinion that the severe winter weather in his country is an advantage. “Today it is merely minus 30 degrees. This only makes us mentally stronger.” Another plus point the president mentioned was that no bacterium will survive the heavy frost. “So we can enjoy a long life here,” Nazarbayev was reported as saying by ANP.

United Kingdom

Eurostar Train Service Resumes

After a three-day disruption of the cross channel train service between France and Britain, the Eurostar train service was back on track Tuesday. Thousands of passengers were stranded after five of the trains broke down under the English Channel Dec. 18. Eurostar has called on customers whose journeys are “not essential” to hold off on traveling and change their tickets for a later date or get a refund. Condensation in the electrical system is expected to have caused the breakdowns of the trains. An independent review of the disruption has been launched. Some passengers, who were stuck in the trains under the channels for hours, have complained that they didn’t receive sufficient information, and were left in the dark without food and water